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Why advertise your website with free business advertising forums?

If you are on a budget and don’t have the money to pay for online advertising, you will definitely be looking to run your free ads on the internet. There are many great places to do this, such as free classifieds sites and advertising forums. Free classifieds are great sites, however they limit the information you can and cannot post to them. However, free business advertising forums are much better at getting that free exposure for your website or product. And here are the reasons.

Depending on the ad site you are using, many sites will allow you to hyperlink with anchor text to your website or product (something that is not always possible on free classified ad sites). This can usually be accomplished by placing your hyperlink in your signature below your name. There are also many sites that will allow you to place some hyperlinks as well (generally 2-3 is acceptable) within the main body of your text.

However, with that said, it is vital that you do not link spam, forum moderators as well as search engines will not like it, and it is possible that your ads will be removed from forums and not indexed by search engines.

So using forums with your hyperlinks is a great method of linking your website. Here it is important to consider the use of keywords that you have researched and that are highly relevant to your niche. This will also help increase your search engine rankings for your chosen keywords. Keyword research is another topic that is not covered within the scope of this article and if you are interested in learning more, there are many great articles available here on this site for you to do more research.

Another reason it’s great to use free business advertising forums is that if you are familiar with HTML or BB encoding, which are really simple and easy to learn, then you can really customize the appearance of your ads (something that is really limited in free classified ad sites). You can post images of your products, embed videos, and sometimes even add a limited number of scripts within your ads. However, the availability of these various functionalities will vary from site to site.

Search engines love forums and they get crawled regularly, so if you have an ad that is well designed around your chosen keywords, it could make your ad appear in the top 10 results of Google and other search engines. in one day, which is a fabulous reason. as to why you should do forum marketing.

The other benefit of forum marketing is that you can post entire articles in a forum and you are not limited by word length (which is definitely the case on free classified ad sites). It is also open to discussion with potential customers or visitors to your site, because that is what the forums were originally intended for; open discussion. Therefore, it is vitally important that you remain subscribed to the threads that you create with an email address that you check regularly. You definitely don’t want to miss out on questions and interest in your ads.


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