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Health Fitness

Workout For Skinny People: How Skinny People Can Pack On Pounds Of Rock-Hard Muscle Quickly

Losing weight seems to be on everyone’s mind right now, fad diets, diet pills, Acai supplements… you name it. However, almost no one talks about how you can GAIN weight, and provides high quality information and exercises for skinny guys and girls who want to gain weight.

Here I’ll show you a proven workout for skinny people that can help you gain muscle mass and pack rock-hard muscle blocks onto your skinny frame, and get you beach-ready in weeks.

Reason why skinny people have the most attractive muscles

Listen… there’s nothing wrong with being skinny. Look at it as a bonus… after all, many people are looking to LOSE weight, but you don’t suffer from that problem. Plus, you’re probably also blessed with a pretty fast metabolism, which means your body burns fat faster than most people, so when you combine that with the workout for skinny guys I’m about to show you here, you’ll get lean, ripped muscles faster than you can say Arnold Schwarzenegger!

you are what you eat

I’d say the number one reason skinny people struggle to grow and build muscle is that they simply don’t eat enough. Just as a person looking to lose weight should burn more calories than they take in, a skinny person looking to gain weight should take in more calories than they burn.

An ideal daily intake should be around 3000-3500 calories (depending on body type…sometimes more) of quality calories, meaning lots of lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables.

3,500 sounds like a lot, but when you break it down into 6 smaller meals per day, you’ll see that it’s actually easier than it sounds. Small regular meals keep your metabolism steady and ensure your muscles are constantly receiving the nutrients and protein they need to grow.

exercises for skinny people

Despite what most of the magazines say, a workout for skinny people is quite simple and does not require spending hours in the gym. In fact, a workout for skinny guys shouldn’t take you more than 45 minutes to an hour, 3 times a week.

That sounds doable, right?

A good workout for skinny people also makes use of compound exercises instead of isolation exercisesand it focuses on full-body workouts rather than just specific muscle groups every time you hit the gym.

what do I want to say with that?

Well, let’s say you were doing what 90% of the people in the gym do, which is spend Monday training chest, Tuesday training legs, Wednesday training back, etc. etc.

So you’re really only training each body part ONCE a week… Okay, so you spend a lot of time in the gym, but that’s not going to make people go crazy on the beach, is it?

The only thing that matters in a workout for lean people is RESULTS, and it has been shown that the FASTEST way to increase muscle growth is with full body workouts of compound exercises, that is, functional exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. weather. hour.

These proven exercises are the foundation of all bodybuilding routines, and are known as the “Big Basic” exercises and are:


bench press,

dead weight,

bicep Curls,

inclined rows



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