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5 popular myths about the green iguana debunked

There are many myths related to green iguanas. Many of these myths can be quite harmful to iguanas as they can interfere with a person’s ability to care for the iguana. Many of these are not harmful, but some of them can be vital to the healthy well-being of an iguana. The following are some common myths related to iguanas that you should give some weight to:

1) Green iguanas can be fed with lettuce, which is also partially correct. Lettuce can be fed without a second thought, as vegetarian diets are best suited for iguanas. But you have to be careful not to make it a regular diet, as most salad greens have only a small amount of nutritional value. Many realize this when it is too late to have a change in the iguana’s diet. One main reason for this is that a green iguana accustomed to lettuce as its main diet will continue to feed on lettuce even if better foods are added to its diet.

Vegetables with high nutritional value, such as turnip greens, collard greens, and mustard greens, should be added to your iguana’s main diet if you are focusing on proper iguana care.

2) The growth of iguanas will be limited by the size of their cages: Many people have the idea that if you keep iguanas in smaller cages, they will have deviant growth. To keep your iguana down to a manageable size, this idea definitely won’t work for green iguanas. A healthy green iguana that has been cared for properly can show growth of up to six feet. Therefore, keeping green iguanas in smaller cages will make their life very uncomfortable.

3) Iguanas consume gravel to aid in their digestion; this myth is one of the most dangerous. To help their green iguanas digest their food, many people place gravel or small pebbles in their enclosure. But accidental consumption of these materials can end up killing your iguana. Therefore, accidentally or intentionally feeding gravel to your iguanas should be avoided.

4) Hot rocks are best for heating – Some green iguana cages contain hot rocks, as some people think that the hot rocks will help maintain the iguana’s body temperature. You must bear in mind that iguanas are actually cold-blooded animals and when they are very close to hot rocks they run the risk of being cooked to death. The best heating equipment for your green iguana’s cages would be special lighting that is available at most pet stores.

5) Pet food, insects, and many animal products can be part of the iguana diet; many of them still say that iguanas should also receive animal protein. However, green iguanas are best kept on herbivorous diets. A green iguana’s metabolism and body have the best intention of using plant products more effectively. Animal proteins can pose many health problems for you. Iguanas will develop taste buds on the excessive animal protein diet. Serious kidney problems will also be a part of this. Wild iguanas eat insects only due to accidentally mixing them with their food.

These are just some of the most important myths related to green iguanas. These truths about myths will help you take better care of your green iguanas.


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