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7 Psychic Secrets You Won’t See on TV

Are you fascinated, excited and inspired by psychic phenomena… and just can’t get enough? Or as I once was… Curious but not convinced and need some additional inside information to help you decide? As someone who has had an incredible decade-long adventure into psychic phenomena of ALL kinds, both personally and professionally, there is a LOT about the new age universe that you won’t see on TV…but it’s great and very inspiring too. . Are you curious to know more? Let’s take a look immediately below!

1 – Some psychic tricks

If it happens. Even good psychics occasionally have days off… and will try to use their normal senses to gather good information that they can use. I’ve seen this happen even with readers I like and respect, and this is another reason why phone readings and short yes answers aren’t much better than sitting in front of a reader face-to-face.

2 – TEST? Past life memories are powerful

I hesitate to say anything is “proven” in the psychic and paranormal universe, but there is MUCH more past life evidence than most of us see on TV. While hypnosis, regression, and even psychic readings for past life recollection are great to look at, the best evidence of past lives actually comes from children remembering incredible details about lives, languages, and sometimes even having scars. Physical appearances that resemble birthmarks of the previous personality. remember.

3 – Not all media work the same (and SOME give better tests than others)

There’s a famous medium in Boston, for example… who actually draws a portrait of the person she sees in spirit, while delivering messages from her loved one as well. If that’s not a double dose of overwhelming evidence that something extraordinary is going on… I’m not sure what is. (and often the people who come are NOT the people who come for the reading they expect to see)

4 – The more OPEN you are… the easier it will be to “read”

Why? Who knows? But there is an avalanche of evidence to suggest that people who believe in the power and potential of psychic abilities and spiritual realities are much more “intelligible” to a psychic or medium, even if the psychic or medium has no idea. whether they believe or not. No. Why is this? There are many theories. I just happen to believe that like energy is MORE receptive to like energy…and the more similar your beliefs are, the more connected your thoughts, feelings, and emotions become to someone who wants to bond with them.

5 – More than 75% of people around the world believe in some kind of psychic or spiritual reality separate from the physical

And believe it or not, this number is GOING UP… even as belief in traditional religion is declining. Additionally, around 50% of all people report having an experience that they consider to be paranormal, either psychic or spiritual, or simply unexplained by conventional thinking.

6 – You do NOT need a means to communicate with your loved ones

Yes help. And yes, if you are skeptical, closed-minded and completely UNCONVINCED, a good medium can change your life. (Just like one did mine) However, the vast majority of spirit experiences don’t come from psychics and mediums, they come spontaneously…with ordinary people having extraordinary experiences that change their lives forever. (often dream visitation experiences, or connection to a deceased loved one through common senses such as smell, sight, hearing, or touch)

7 – People who have ONE genuine psychic experience rarely stop there

In fact, people who have just ONE experience that convinces them that there is more to life than the material often become complete psychic “junkies” thereafter. In my own life, a single reading with a medium, over the phone… so astounded me and changed my worldview forever, that I literally became a professional in the field! (as an international publisher of psychic blogs, newsletters, content and communities… as well as an amateur medium)

The truth?

Ordinary life is boring. Opening yourself up to the wild, crazy, weird and wonderful world of the unknown is a great way to live life… and exploring some of the above for yourself will change you forever too! (and hopefully give yourself the nudge you need to discover YOUR true passion too!)


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