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About Yorkshire Terrier – Yorkie Puppies

Yorkshire Terriers are the most magnificent little creatures in the world, with long, trailing coats, short little legs, and the most commanding personalities you’ll ever meet. As puppies they are so cute and small with big big eyes that just watch and wait for some love and affection.

As a Yorkshire terrier “Yorkie” begins to age, they get these really silky adult coats and have a look to kill for and a lustrous shine that will blow any potential competitor on the showroom floor. Yorkshire terriers come in a variety of colors that you can choose from, starting with my personal favourite, “blue and gold” yorkie babies which are blue and gold often have gold on their tiny little faces and legs and light or dark silver on their backs as adults

Yorkshire terrier – Yorkie puppies can also be many other colors, including blue and tan, black and gold, and black and tan. No matter what color yorkie you choose, these little pups are so much fun and worth every penny! But I recommend the blue and gold for anyone who isn’t sure what they want.

A Yorkshire terrier puppy is not difficult to train despite what others may say. It takes patience to show train any breed, but potty training is relatively easy with Yorkshire terriers because they are creatures of habit, meaning they like to potty in the same spot every time they poop. Plus the barking is really easy to control and it’s all worth it when you have that little baby in your arms and feel all that love and enjoyment of a true best friend for life!

So if you are looking for a baby Yorkshire terrier I encourage you to definitely get one as it will make your life so much more meaningful. These pups are great and the Yorkshire terrier – yorkie puppy will make a wonderful pet or show dog. Also, they are great fun to walk around and their size doesn’t seem to slow them down much as they hold up well and will attract the attention of all who see them because they are so beautiful.

If you are ready to get one of these little kneading babies I included my link because I am a hobbyist breeder with puppies to sell. look at the bottom of this article to find my link and happy hunting for your new pup!


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