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A Crash Course in Grant Writing

Anyone, yes I said anyone, can learn to be an effective grant writer. And there are plenty of groups and organizations with deep pockets that are ready/willing/able to fund the right project. What is the ‘correct’ project? The one they are interested in financing. “Interest groups” know how important it is to get certain things done (e.g., getting more minorities to get their master’s degrees, getting more health care students to train in rural areas, getting more Native Americans to train as professionals health care, etc.). So if you have the passion to do ‘good work’, sponsors have the money to help you. They will be your partners in ‘problem solving’.

These are the 7 components of a grant: (1) project title/cover page, (2) project overview, (3) background/problem statement, (4) project detail, (5) resources needed, (6) ) Evaluation Plan, and (7) Annexes. Let’s look at each in turn:

==> Project Title/Cover Page–

· Be clear and unambiguous (don’t make it “pretty”).

Clearly reflect the focus of your proposal.

· Do not try to use the title as a summary of your entire proposal.

· Don’t use fancy report covers, expensive bindings or other procedures that can send the message that you make things quite expensive!

· Include signatures of key people in your organization (department head, supervisor, contract officer, etc.) and groups/organizations with whom you will collaborate.

Paint a quick picture for the reader of the key idea(s) of your project.

· Remove words from your title that are not really necessary for comprehension.

· Must have a neat and professional appearance.

· Use only one sentence for your title. If you just can’t use a sentence, try using a two-part title with the parts separated by colons.

==> Project summary–

· Be specific and concise.

· Do not go into detail about aspects of your proposal that are clarified later in your proposal.

Set the framework so that the rest of the proposal has a frame of reference.

Highlight some of the interests of other organizations with which you will collaborate.

· Paint a picture of your proposal in the reader’s mind.

· Prepare the general description of the project after having completed the entire proposal; let it be your last piece of writing and then insert it at the beginning of your proposal.

Show your knowledge of the organization you are applying to.

This is an executive summary.

==> Background Information/Problem Statement–

Cite previous projects and studies that are similar to what you are proposing.

Clearly state how the issues to be addressed in your project will help the potential funding agency meet its own goals and objectives.

· Ask a friend, outside of your area of ​​focus/experience, to read your proposal to make sure the language is readable.

Include a well-documented statement of the need/problem that is the basis of your project.

· Think of the funding agency as a “collaborative partner” committed to the same concerns as you.

Make sure the potential funding agency is committed to the same needs/issues your proposal addresses.

· Minimize the use of abbreviations, colloquialisms, confusing language, jargon, redundant phrases, and buzzwords or “in.”

Show how your project will extend the work that has been done previously.

Show the funding agency that you know what you are proposing because you are familiar with what has come before it.

This is a review of the relevant literature.

· Use the problem statement to show that your proposed project is definitely necessary and should be funded.

==> Project Detail: Goals and Objectives–

Differentiate between your goals and your objectives, and include both.

Make sure there is considerable overlap between the goals and objectives of your proposal and the goals and objectives of the funding organization.

· Present measurable goals for your project; Describe your goals in a measurable way.

==> Project details: Clients–

· Clarify why it is important for the funding organization to care about its clientele.

Clearly state how helping your clientele is in the best interests of the financing organization.

· Include specific information about the population or clientele your project is focused on.

· Involve the members of the client group in the preparation of the proposal.

List the other agencies involved with this group of clients.

· Demonstrates that you have the support of the group of clients to carry out the project.

==> Project Detail: Methods–

· Be explicit and indicate exactly how the methods you have chosen will meet the goals of your project and help address the needs/problems your proposal focuses on.

Clearly state how the methods to be used will enable the results of your project to have value to others beyond your project.

Clearly present the innovative aspects of your idea.

· Include the collaborative relationships that your project will develop with other cooperating groups.

Link the methods you describe in this section to the goals you have previously defined.

· Show how the methods for your project encourage groups to come together to address the issues/concerns your project addresses.

· Show how the specific methods you propose for your project are relevant to your unique clientele.

==> Project Detail: Personnel/Administration–

· Clarify how each of the roles are essential to the success of the project.

Describe the roles of the different people associated with your project and the importance of each.

· Include names, titles, experience and qualifications of your key people.

Show that you have excellent people committed to the project.

· Show the grantor that your people are working together as part of a team.

==> Resources required: Personnel–

· Consider having a number of part-time staff instead of one or two full-time employees.

Identify the people who will actually be paid by the grant.

Include brief descriptions of each person who will be involved in your project and supported by the funding.

· Notify the people you identify in your Personnel section and receive their approval before sending the proposal.

==> Required Resources: Facilities–

· Describe the existing facilities that will be used for the project.

Please indicate how much additional money the potential funding agency would have to provide if these facilities were not donated.

· Provide a brief description of the facilities that will be used for the project.

==> Required Resources: Equipment/Supplies/Communication–

Do some research on the actual cost of the equipment you specify, don’t guess.

· Include funds to host some type of workshop where you can bring together other professionals who are interested in doing a similar type of project in your area.

List all types of equipment that may be needed for a funded project (e.g., computer/monitor/printer, desks/chairs/tables, intercom/office phone system, lamps, photocopier, specialized equipment to meet the objectives of the project, recorder, telephone, conference equipment, VCR and television monitor, letterhead stationery, etc.).

==> Resources required: Budget–

Check with the agency to see if they have any required budget categories they want you to use.

· Consider requesting a small amount of funding for the first phase of the project.

Ask someone else in your organization to review your budget to see how realistic it is.

· Make your budget realistic; Think about exactly what you will need from the funding agency to carry out the project and set your budget around this amount.

Organize your budget around a set of meaningful categories that work for the project you are proposing (e.g., communication, consultants, equipment, evaluation, indirect costs, training, preparation of materials, other expenses, personnel, facility rental , supplies, travel).

· Specify what you hope to accomplish during this “minimum funding phase” and when you will return to the funding agency to apply for funding for the next phase.

==> Evaluation plan–

Describe how you will decide whether or not your project has been successful (ie, has achieved its objectives).

If you plan to use a survey or questionnaire to help assess the success of your project, you can include a draft of what you are considering for the questionnaire/survey in the Appendices.

Include a concern for (a) ways to get feedback on the project as it is being carried out and (b) ways to demonstrate that the project did what it was originally intended to do.

· Include some sense of concern about what happens after the conclusion of the funding period.

· Make direct reference to your objectives in your assessment plan.

· Show how other cooperating agencies will help to continue the project after the conclusion of the funding period.

Show how the initiatives that have been started under the project will be supported.

==> Appendices–

· Include a Dissemination Plan, Timeline, Letters of Support, Descriptions of Cooperating Agencies and an Evaluation Instrument.

Now you have the basics. The question is, “What project are you passionate about? Are you ready to do the hard work to get it off the ground?”


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