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Health Fitness

Advantages and disadvantages of weight loss programs

Losing weight has gone from being a necessity for most to a fad for many. All thanks to the media, people’s concept of what is healthy and what is not is strongly associated with ‘skinny skinny’ and ‘porky fat’. Since all models must be in the size 0 division to walk a runway, celebrities in the plus size department are criticized for their weight and stars who used to be skinny then and gained weight are now being questioned for their curves. Not surprisingly, many people have come to believe that they have to look a certain way to be considered ‘healthy’.

Due to the way people think about ‘being healthy’, different types of weight loss programs have sprung up here and there. Some programs have sprung up to offer genuine help to those who really need it. But for the most part, there are programs that simply came about to squeeze people out of their money. Below is a list of the three most popular weight loss programs.

South Beach Diet

This program was developed by a cardiologist named Dr. Arthur Agatstone. Instead of requiring its participants to eat low-fat or low-carb diets, the South Beach Diet preaches about the right carbs and fats to eat. As the name implies, the center of the program is eating the right foods that can be of great help in losing weight. As a result, meal planners, schedulers, and nutritional tools are delivered to your subscribers. Every day, people who participate in the program receive free recipes, tips and more guidance from the creator of the diet. Also given are things like how to stay on track, how to track your progress, and what things you need to track your weight.


Hailed as a top pick among its reviewers, this weight loss program encourages its participants to eat healthy. By eating ordinary, healthy foods that are low in calories on a daily basis, as well as combining them with regular exercise and something positive, Weight Watchers is said to be really effective. In addition to the simple requirements that the program entails, its flexibility is also one of the reasons why many of its participants and subscribers stick with the program and leave with a great sense of accomplishment. What holds the program together are the weigh-ins and the group meetings that the participants hold each week.

lose weight quickly

This is by far the most popular weight loss program among those who are always on the go or don’t have time to exercise or eat gourmet meals that are said to be healthy. This plan requires its participants to purchase prepackaged Slim Fast foods, such as shakes and bars, that they can eat.

Aside from the ‘on the go’ theme, Slim Fast gives its participants the benefit of losing weight at an accelerated rate. However, it has two disadvantages. One is that it can be expensive and the other is that it does not produce long-term results.

There are many popular weight loss programs that you can participate in to lose weight. Before choosing them, read about them first. This way, you will ensure that it is safe and effective before you participate in it.


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