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Legal Law

Arranging a legal fee agreement

After you have selected a lawyer, it is necessary to obtain a legal fee agreement to establish how much the lawyer will charge for his or her services. Find out if the attorney will charge you by the hour, on a flat rate, or on a contingency basis. Experienced attorneys do not need as much time to research the areas of your case. Be sure to clarify that your lawyer will not be charged for making a summary judgment without your permission.

Lawyers often require a large amount of money to pursue your case and find out how much you cannot provide during litigation. It may be tempting to try to limit the amount of money your attorney spends, but this may result in your case lacking the experience necessary to win. The contingency fee is a percentage that your lawyer takes from the settlement if he wins, usually between 33% and 40%, though sometimes up to 50%. In many states, the legal fee agreement may contain a single charge contingency contract, which means that the attorney agrees to pay all costs associated with the case and then deduct those costs from the settlement award. Be careful with referral fees, as most lawyers do not charge them. A good lawyer should be willing to be explicit agreements regarding payment and how much control you have over your case. Never accept a lawyer who insists on working without a legal fee agreement, and the key to building a good one is understanding the details and not leaving anything to chance.


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