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Be deaf when someone tells you that you can’t

The world today abounds with so much negative news that it appears to be an organized effort to spread bad news in order to drive people, even entire populations, into a state of apathy and hopelessness! In a 24 hour period, men, women and children are hit with endless bad news and those around them (friends, family and associates) give worse advice on how to handle bad news. And then these people spread even more bad news, even false information, and the bad news perpetuates more bad news until it reaches epidemic proportions where an entire population of “can-do” people “can’t”!

People do everything they can to protect themselves from the flu, because accidents and sexually transmitted diseases, but nothing to protect themselves from bad news and bad advice! Consider this poem the next time someone who claims to be a friend takes the time to give you bad news and worse advice.

Be DEAF when someone tells you you can’t do it!
Be DEAF when someone says it’s impossible!
Be DEAF when someone tries to limit you!

Because these people who try to limit you and suggest that you cannot fulfill your dreams are dangerous people. These people have given up on their dreams and are looking to convince you to do the same.

And don’t be fooled by these people when they suggest they are just trying to help you! It is no help what they offer, as what they really want is for you to join the ranks of slaves who are just getting by in life.

Be DEAF to all of them!

Grant Cardone, author and sales expert


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