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Health Fitness

Benefits of walking

Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise that makes you healthier, helps you lose weight, and makes you more active. The main benefit of walking is that anyone can do it at any age and fitness level. It’s also good for your heart, head, and wallet, as you don’t need anything extra and you don’t have to pay for expensive gyms.

You can skip the trip and walk to your work or schools and stores. In some cases, walking may be more effective than running in reducing the risk of heart disease. Walking not only minimizes your risk of heart disease, it can also help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk for many chronic diseases. Taking a daily walk of 15 to 30 minutes can equal 150 minutes of weekly exercise.

Walking has many physical and mental benefits:

  • Research shows that taking a regular walk can actually modify your nervous system and experience a decrease in anger and aggression.
  • Exposing it to sunlight which can help decrease seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
  • It can also make you socially active as you can go for a walk with anyone like your friend, relatives, relatives and neighbors. This helps improve your mood and lower your stress levels.
  • It can also be beneficial for people who suffer from insomnia. Taking a morning walk outside will help you tune into your natural circadian rhythms, which can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.
  • The low moderate impact of walking can help reduce the symptom and decrease pain for the person with medical conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.
  • It can also help strengthen bones and can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • For people with joint problems, walking can be beneficial.
  • As we age, walking is important in reducing the risk of dementia and other brain disorders.
  • You can be wired, but walking backwards can help improve your cognition, helping you think faster while standing.
  • Walking regularly can also help stimulate the part of the brain that is involved in learning and verbal memory.
  • Regular walks help establish a routine that you are more likely to continue with your other activities.
  • Adding music to your walking experience can be a great way to de-stress, as well as helping you get into a rhythm to walk faster.

So put on your walking shoes and get on a regimen of good mental and physical health!


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