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Bible Story Crafts for Kids – The Good Shepherd Craft & Game

This adorable sheep is one of our Easy Kids Bible Story Crafts for Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade. Creating and displaying this cute and fluffy sheep reinforces the Scripture that tells us that Jesus cares for us and calls us, as a good shepherd calls his sheep.

This is one of our Bible crafts for kids that comes complete with a game. The craft and game help children remember the verse: “I am the good shepherd. I know each of My sheep by name, and My sheep know Me.” “Those who come through Me will be saved. They will have everything they need.” Scripture: John 10:1-21


  • empty toilet paper roll
  • Cotton balls (30 to 40)
  • 4 swabs
  • Elmer’s school glue
  • white tissue paper
  • Brown pipe cleaners (only if it’s a ram)
  • Transparent tape
  • Disposable container (such as a margarine container)
  • black construction paper
  • paper punch or scissors


  1. For support, place paper (of any kind) inside the toilet paper roll, leaving about an inch empty from the end.
  2. Create the sheep’s feet by gluing the cotton swabs to the toilet paper roll.
  3. Create the sheep’s head by crumpling up some tissue paper and tucking some of it into the end of the roll.
  4. For a little glue in the container.
  5. To add the sheep’s wool, dip cotton balls into the glue and press onto the cardboard roll. Once it’s covered, add another layer or more until the sheep is nice and shaggy.
  6. Create the eyes with a paper punch and construction paper. Use glue to adhere to the front of the sheep’s tissue paper face.
  7. For a ram, follow steps 1 through 6, then add horns, which are made by twisting a pipe cleaner into two curly dowels and gluing them together.
  8. Let dry.

showing the sheep

Before the children bring their sheep home, you can create a display in the classroom:

  1. Start with a tray of wheatgrass that you have grown and trimmed or Easter basket grass evenly distributed.
  2. Add a shepherd or Jesus figure or a paper doll.
  3. Invite the children to add their sheep to gather the flock around the shepherd!

lost sheep game

This tag game is kind of the classroom version of the backyard pool game, Marco Polo. The child playing the stranger is blindfolded and stands in the center of the circle. The others are the sheep and wander around inside the circle.

The blindfolded stranger attempts to brand the sheep. By calling “Sheep!” the others should respond with “Baa-baa”. The first marked sheep takes the place of the stranger. This game reinforces the lesson that, like the sheep, we should only respond to our Good Shepherd.

Browse our site for more easy crafts for kids and Bible crafts for kids.


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