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How to write a love poem and get back together with your lover

So do you think a poem about love will make you get back together with your ex? That’s not a bad idea at all. In some cases, these poems work wonders in healing broken relationships. But you need to know exactly what it takes for your lover to offer you another chance.

A well thought out strategy coupled with perfect timing are the keys to writing a reconciliation poem that achieves its goal. When presented in the right way at the right time; this love poem can even help rekindle lost love with an ex who had no intention of getting back together with you. Unfortunately, many people react too quickly and illogically when using poetry to deal with a breakup.

Your poem about love: the when and the how

It is better not to write a poem about love immediately after breaking up with someone you love. During that time you are too vulnerable and likely to say things that will not help save your relationship.

A love poem that helps you get back together with an ex takes time and patience. You want to write it, read it, and then rewrite it until you have a finished product that really shows how much you care.

Before you start writing, remember this: there is a big difference in a poem about love and an unattractive poem desperate to get back together; so carefully consider the image you present to your ex.

If this is your first experience with writing a poem, there is nothing to worry about. You don’t have to be a super-talented professional poet or writer. But you also don’t want to come across as fake and insincere. If you can just write genuine words of love, the love poem is very likely to help you get back together with your ex.

Start point

The hardest thing about writing a love poem is getting started. Consider why she fell in love in the first place, the depth of her love, why and how much she loves her ex and how much she misses him. In no time, she will know what she wants to say and the words will begin to flow naturally.

Now one thing to remember is that the best poetry uses metaphors and similes. That means something that is comparable to what you are thinking or feeling. For example, it’s more poignant to associate the loneliness you’ve felt with a desert island than to simply say, “I’ve been lonely.”

In this love poem, tell your ex how life has been different without him and how your life would change once you get back together with him. Instead of just saying what you think your ex wants to hear, he speaks from your heart.

Perfecting the poem about love

Another thing to remember about writing your love poem is that rhyming is optional. In fact, many modern poems have little or no rhyme. Just write what you feel while using comparisons that give your lover a mental image of your thoughts and feelings.

If you find it difficult to openly express your deep emotions, writing a romantic poem to get back together can help you have the big impact you hoped to have on your ex. Through poetry, you can open up without fear of rejection or the embarrassment that sometimes comes from talking face to face.

No matter how perfect your love poem is, that alone may not be enough to get you back together with your ex. However, she may play an important role in the journey she undertakes to save their relationship and rekindle the love she thought she had lost forever.

Learn more here: Break Up Helper


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