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BlueProximity – Lock Computer Using Your Phone

BlueProximity is a tool that detects your mobile phone via Bluetooth and locks your computer when your Bluetooth phone is out of Bluetooth range. If you move away from the computer desk and the distance between you and the computer exceeds a certain limit for a certain time, BlueProximity will automatically block you. You can also run or start any shell command using this software. Once the administrator / user gets close to the configured level for a while, the system will unlock automatically.

Necessary things

1) Bluetooth Dongle

2) Mobile phone with Bluetooth.

Steps to install BlueProximity

Automatic (for Hardy or newer version)

BlueProximity is included in the Hardy repositories or a newer version of Ubuntu and can be installed using “apt-get”:

sudo apt-get install blueproximity

Manual installation

For an older version of Ubuntu (older than Hardy), you will need to install blueproximity manually.

1) First you have to install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install bluez-utils python-gtk2 python-glade2 python-configobj python-bluez

2) Install the latest version of the python support package from and install it using the command “sudo dpkg -i”

3) Install BlueProximity

Download BlueProximity from fountainforge and install it using “dpkg”

Pair devices

1) Insert Bluetooth Dongle into your system and enable it (and set it as Visible)

2) Activate Bluetooth on your mobile and search for your computer.

3) Authorize and pair both devices by PIN.

Steps to configure BlueProximity

1) Open blueproximity from Accessories or run the command “blueproximity”

2) Find the devices and select the device you want to configure. (Make sure the device is already paired with the computer)

3) BlueProximity Settings / Settings / Details: Click Proximity Details which will display the following options

Set next

Close with key:

Distance: 7

time: 10

To unlock:

Distance: 3

time: 3

4) Lock and unlock: By default, proximity uses the following commands to automatically lock and unlock the screen.

Lock command: gnome-screensaver-command -l

Unlock command: gnome-screensaver-command -d

But you can turn off your monitor at the time of lockdown, which will save electricity when you are away from your computer, and turn it on when you return. Using the following commands to lock and turn off and “unlock and turn on the monitor

Lock command: gnome-screensaver-command -l && xset dpms force shutdown

Unlock command: xset dpms force on && gnome-screensaver-command -d

Now get up from your chair and take a few steps back!


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