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Lifestyle Fashion

kiss as human communication

HUMAN beings can sometimes communicate through signs and gestures in a relationship, especially between a man and a woman, through looking deep into each other’s eyes. The art of love and kissing is important in any relationship, and if given…

Reincarnation Case Study: The Mongols and Genghis Khan

Since the 1980s, our past life research has led us to conclude that reincarnation is the most reasonable explanation for our startling findings, which include little-known dates, customs and practices, and other specific details of past life regression that are…

Anti-Aging Face Creams: Organic vs. Inorganic

Not all antiaging face creams are created equal. Basically, there are two sides to think about: organic and inorganic. You will find with research that organic skin care products are not only the healthiest option, but also work better on…

All about laser and skin clinic

At the risk of being called ‘superficial’, we have to admit that appearance matters. A study published in Psychology Today claims that good-looking and attractive people earn higher salaries and are also selected for better jobs. In fact, many other…

Green Christmas: things you can enjoy on a summer safari in Spain

In Spain Christmas is celebrated differently and looks different than the white Christmas of the northern hemisphere. There are no buildings covered in snow. But there are lush green plants, colorful flowers, and plenty of outdoor adventures. People don’t wear…

How I cured my psoriasis permanently

Let me first describe my particular case of Psoriasis symptoms: Chronic scalp psoriasis Small spots on the face and body. Increased sensitivity to dry weather. Increased sensitivity to odors (perfumes, deodorants and other cosmetic products) I decided to follow a…

Difficulties in Shifting to a Lean Culture – Part II

Believing in Lean culture {align metrics from the start} Where will the “human side” of Lean affect you? Let’s talk about experiences with talking LEAN vs. walking LEAN in Part II. As is the case with any Lean implementation in…

Using Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) as an Acne Treatment

How pantothenic acid works Many people have commented before that I highly recommend vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid, or simply “PA”) for acne sufferers. Turns out there’s a reason for that: It’s what cleared up my acne. Completely. 100% Eliminated. If…

Does rebounding really get rid of cellulite?

When you look at your body, you probably notice and worry about cellulite pockets, those wavy, unattractive bags found on your hips, thighs, buttocks, and just about everywhere else. Cellulite is something that accumulates over time, and it can be…

Ayurtox – Ayurvedic body detoxification and its benefits

The accumulated toxins within our body must be eliminated through a safe and effective method. Ayurveda has worked in this field for thousands of years and has evolved with the most natural and safest method of detoxifying the body: Ayurtox….