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Lifestyle Fashion

Deciphering the female orgasm

The best way for a woman to figure out her orgasm is knowing her own body. Self-pleasure (commonly called “masturbation”) is a way to find a deeper connection to your own life force energy, which is the power of creation…

Why earrings are a way to express yourself

Women love to wear jewelry as a way to express their personality and overall style. Hanging jewelry from our ears is a great way to show your own identity and beauty. There are moments in history that depict women dating…

Top Tips for Contacting Your Spirit Guide – Patience!

A common query or concern for people interested in their psychic development is to contact their spirit guide. They often get frustrated when it doesn’t happen after a meditation, or even after a few attempts to make contact with them….

Vital Targets: Why Pressure Points Just Don’t Work In A Real Fight

A story of experience It was the early nineties; I was a young martial arts student who was raised on the idea that the “magic touch of death” really existed. It was on every page of martial arts magazines, there…

Are you addicted to fashionable shoes? How to make your feet look like a million bucks

Summer is coming, which means strappy sandals, strappy sandals, and slingback heels are coming out of the closet. Since feet are the most heavily used part of the body, carrying it day in and day out, it is very important…

Healthy Weight Loss Plans: 5 Simple Practical Tips

Ayurveda is a branch or Upa Veda of the Rig Veda. It is an ancient system of medical science constituted by the Rishis of old in the Indian subcontinent. As always, prevention is better than cure, the aim is to…

Arizona Dream Bluray Review

Nearly 20 years before the overhyped dream-centric Inception, Emir Kusturica directed Johnny Depp in the surreal comic fantasy Arizona Dream. The film was produced by Claudie Ossard (Delicatessen/Amélie) and is typical of the kind of bizarre arthouse movies Depp used…

Toxic Delights: Our Children Are Paying the Price

We all have, but it’s not our fault, it’s just the way we’ve been trained, it’s what we’re used to. We give treats as a reward for doing well or as an incentive to do better and work harder. Schools…

reiki clothing

Is it possible to acquire the benefits of Reiki without actually practicing it? Is there any other way to communicate Reiki energy? Is there a way to effectively channel Reiki energy to others? Many Reiki healers involved were in various…

Karmic relationships: when the conflict extends throughout life

When there is a particularly traumatic event in a past life that leaves a karmic imprint, very often another person is involved and there are unfinished business between you. When this occurs, both of you can, as you plan your…