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Challenges for a mobile application development company

India ranks second in the world in number of active mobile phone users. The number of people who own and use cell phones continues to grow. One billion smartphone users are expected to sell next year, doubling the number of PCs. With more than 10 billion mobile internet devices expected to be in use by 2016, which is equivalent to 1.4 devices per person on the planet. According to recent research, moms spend 53 percent of their app usage time playing Android phones. On iPads, that’s 48 percent of your app time, and on iPhones, 31 percent. “Moms are gamers too.” Therefore, you can certainly experience its explosive growth.

But it is not as green as it seems. Starting and establishing a mobile app development business is a tough nut to crack. Some of the challenges that start-ups face are:

  • Restricted resource: It’s not that corporations don’t have access to in-house programming talent, they usually do. However, most of that talent will have experience on the Windows side; not necessarily on popular mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Windows can and should be part of any debate on mobile platforms. However, it is only a part and you have to work on Android and iOS. But let’s be honest. If you are a 27-year-old mobile programmer, are you looking for a job within a corporation’s internal application development team? Or are you going to try and join one of the seemingly endless supply of mobile startups that seem confident they can make millions with the latest hottest app?
  • Safety: All mobile device manufacturers understand the importance of security and offer adaptations for it. Sometimes different mobile platforms provide varying degrees of support to protect the data stored on the device. At the same time, not all mobile apps need the same level of security, and users don’t like multi-sign-on to access device data or back-end data. However, the responsibility for protecting data falls squarely on the shoulders of application developers, so they must incorporate encryption into the application down to the file system level.
  • Collection and implementation of ideas: When starting a new business, the first point that matters is objective evaluation. Gathering all the ideas. And don’t just fall in love with those ideas. Rigorous studies and research are also important. Refer experts and then make a decision. According to a popular business coach, “When you choose to open a business, your chances of success and satisfaction are greater if you love the work you do.”
  • What is your business model? Do you sell your own apps?
  • Finance: Most people assume that this is an easy road, especially for someone whose father is already a billionaire, whereas, whether he is an investor or his own father, he wants to see big projections before agreeing to invest in his new business. Regardless of the type of business you are establishing, from a one-person, home-based operation to a high-tech manufacturing plant, you need to be clear about how much money you are going to need and where it is going. Get it.

Regardless of the challenges you will face. There are some important qualities that can lead to success:

  • Appropriate platform – Your application must be optimized for a mobile user. Make sure your application is compatible and functional for all brands and devices.
  • Easy to use – Your application must look amazing. Even the best app idea could fail if it’s not packaged in a colorful and attractive way with complete branding. Your application should be easy to install, easy to access, and easy to use. Outline how you think you would like your application to work and take the time to simplify it.
  • Memorable and shareable – Your user should be left with a great impression. Use whatever design, copywriting, and interface techniques you can to make sure your user never forgets their expertise. The most successful mobile applications are those that can be easily shared. Your app should have a feature that rewards users for sharing it with other users.
  • Spontaneous – Any application should be accessible for short bursts of user activity. If your app is only good for long wear sessions, you probably won’t be successful.
  • Cheap – It’s a no-brainer. The cheaper something is, the more likely users are to download it. Try a free version along with a full version.
  • Demographic orientation: Know your audience. Not everyone will want your app, so focus on users who want it.
  • Fun – Possibly the most important quality of any app is its level of enjoyment. Take the time to entertain your users in addition to whatever the main function of your app is.


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