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Copper hoods rich in unique elements distinguish a kitchen

The trend of having a hood above the range hasn’t abated in the decades it’s been around. In the 1980s, having a small hood hidden under the cabinet was the optimal option, but since then, they have become a centerpiece of the modern kitchen.

Today, anyone who decides to invest in a unique kitchen must have a copper vent hood over the oven. They take up a large amount of space and are meant to be timeless and beautiful additions. The upsides of this upgrade will always be greater, making one wonder why the trend didn’t take off sooner.

Choice of materials

If one chooses to purchase a hood from a company that mass produces, it will likely be stainless steel. While there’s nothing wrong with stainless steel, it definitely doesn’t have the beauty of a copper vent hood.

If you are lucky enough to have a choice in the matter, consider that this will be the kitchen that will be enjoyed for years. In that regard, the extra investment may be worth it. Copper is a timeless material and although it may change over the years, it will always be the perfect centerpiece for the kitchen. It can be produced by a specialist to owners’ specifications and can be surprisingly cheaper than imagined.

The positive aspects of copper

Design and styling – When one chooses a copper hood vent, you have options! They can choose the straps and rivets, design elements, dimensions, and much more. Most find it fun to basically design and produce a copper vent hood that is unlike anything they have ever seen before. It sets it apart from the rest and adds a focal point to the kitchen. Think of it as an investment that will pay off.

affordability – Copper is usually much less expensive than people think. While a mass-produced stainless steel hood is often readily available and less expensive, the additional materials add up and can make it much more expensive than a copper vent hood. It’s best to pick a couple of models and shop around to see which one has the most benefits and is within your budget.

styles – Most vents come in three basic styles. They are against the wall, on an island or under the cabinet. When a copper vent hood is chosen, it can be built to whatever specifications the owner has. The best part about this is that it will work seamlessly with your existing décor.

Long lasting – Copper bells are known to be durable. The fabric is super strong and water or smoke does not easily ruin the material. Expect a copper hood vent to last longer than a lifetime, which also factors into the overall cost, as other styles and materials may need to be replaced sooner.

antibacterial elements – A well-known fact about copper as a material in general is that it is antibacterial. Copper vent hoods and appliances are perfect for kitchens of all types, including commercial ones. Often all they require is regular cleaning to remove dust and dirt. They can be polished if desired but it is not necessary. Copper ages very gracefully.

A copper hood is more than sturdy and beneficial for any type of kitchen design, from contemporary to old world.


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