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Decoding female psychology: how to guess what’s on her mind

Is female psychology a mystery to you? Are you interested in understanding the games they play and why? Would you like to know how the female mind works? If you just want to decode female psychology so you can better interpret its meanings, I’m here to help.

It is often said that men and women come from two different places, Mars and Venus, the earth and the sea, the earth and the moon, whichever you prefer, most agree that the two sexes are very different in almost every way. Some of the major differences, aside from the obvious physical ones, include actions, words, and reasoning. Women tend to be more emotional and can take even small things very personally.

Style, flirting and games.

When she’s wearing sexy clothes, she really wants you to look at her and make comments, but she has to pretend she doesn’t. I like to call this a ‘no-win situation’. If you don’t look or say anything, she’ll get really mad, and if you do, she’ll get really mad, too.

The comments make her feel good about herself and let her know that you think she’s hot, but she can’t let on that she appreciates it or she’ll come across as smug. The way to handle this situation is to definitely take note, at least the anger you show is just for show. The latter has much more lasting repercussions.

Flirting can have the same effect. Go ahead and flirt with her, whether she reciprocates or not, I promise she really appreciates it. One of the oldest and best tricks in a woman’s arsenal is to play hard to get.

And most men will admit that a little chase is always fun. She needs to feel that she is in control, so men are usually always the ones to approach women.

keeping you at a distance

Another move that women tend to make to show that they are in charge is to dictate when and what to do. Not in a direct way, but in a more subtle and cunning way. Things like breaking dates at the last minute and taking an extra hour to get ready only to have to wait are things women do to stay in control of the relationship.

Flirting with other men is another way women feel like they’re making sure you know exactly what you’ve got. Just play along and show some appreciation and even a little jealousy from time to time, it will go a long way in keeping her happy.

I know this may all sound a bit silly to you but again, again, men and women are VERY different. What makes her happy may not even seem sensible to you, but it is.

If you want, or need, to learn more about how to approach women and figure out what they’re really saying, I’ve got just what you need.


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