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Do Leo Men Get Back After a Breakup? How to make sure you do

Do Leo Men Get Back After a Breakup? Many women wonder about this after parting with the man they love. None of us really have the ability to see the future. If we did, we could stop a breakout before it happened. Unfortunately, you may not realize how much you need your guy until you feel like it’s too late. If you feel stuck in standby mode because you don’t feel able to go on without it, you have to change something. In fact, you have the ability to reverse the breakup and have your Leo come running back to you.

When you hurt a Leo man, he is intentionally sorry. They may hold on to emotional pain for a long time and may feel that nothing you do will mend their broken heart. If the breakup was caused by something you did, you need to get to work repairing those fences. That should start with a sincere apology. Be honest about what he did. Tell him you’re deeply sorry. It is not advisable to go into detail about what led you to do what you did. That will only stir up all the difficult emotions that he was feeling at the time. Instead, he focuses on moving forward by wiping the board clean.

His job only begins once the apology is made. You have to test yourself to prove that you are not the kind of girl who makes the same mistake twice. Stay focused on showing your Leo man that you are a new woman. If he feels like you’ve really learned a valuable lesson and are striving to be a better person, he’ll be impressed.

If the breakup was more due to a loss of interest, you can still make your Leo man come back to you. Leo men really do get bored easily and can tire of a relationship if it becomes mundane or predictable. In this case, your strategy to win him back has to focus on showing him how spontaneous you can be. Start a friendship with him and then keep him on your toes. Learn something new, whether it’s a new language or how to skydive. Show him how unpredictable you can be. He will love the exciting new version of you and the friendship will transform into more because he will find you irresistibly attractive.

One constant to always remember when trying to rekindle a lost love with a man like this is to never seem desperate. You already know you’re attractive, and he’ll realize that over time, too. By displaying endless self-confidence, you are silently telling him that you know how engaging you are. He will love that.


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