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Does pest control Sacramento CA offer services for commercial properties?

Does pest control Sacramento CA offer

Sacramento is home to some of the best local foodie attractions, cultural activities, and outdoor recreation in California. It’s also a bustling hub of businesses and an attractive destination for people from around the country. As a result, pest infestations can be a serious issue for Sacramento property owners and business owners. Fortunately, Earthwise offers effective preventive pest control services that can keep bugs away from your business and help protect your customers, employees, and visitors.

The number of pest control Sacramento CA that invade homes and businesses is largely determined by the weather, available food sources, and environmental factors. However, certain pests are more active during specific times of the year. Termites, for example, are more likely to be active in spring and summer when the environment is more conducive to their survival.

Cockroaches are a common pest that can cause a variety of health issues and damage to a home’s interior. These pests can enter a home through tiny cracks and crevices, which makes them especially difficult to eradicate. They can also spread disease and contaminate foods by rolling around in it and shedding their skin. If you’ve noticed a cockroach problem, EcoGuard Pest Management can perform an inspection of your property to pinpoint the problem areas and treat them accordingly.

Does pest control Sacramento CA offer services for commercial properties?

Rats, mice, and other rodents can be a major nuisance in any home. They’re not only a hazard to your family and pets, but they can also cause extensive damage to structural components. Luckily, EcoGuard Pest Management can perform a thorough inspection to locate all of the rodents’ entry points and place traps to eliminate them from your property.

Roof Rats, also called ship rats, are a common pest in the Sacramento area. They’re very adaptable and can climb to many different types of structures, including commercial buildings and homes. They are also a favorite of humans and other animals, so they’re great at living and breeding in close proximity to human settlements.

They’re also a scavenger, feeding on dead or decaying organic material, such as bird feathers and trash. They’re a common nuisance in areas of high population density, so if you notice any signs of them, call a pest control company for extermination service as soon as possible. Bed Bugs are a bit more difficult to eradicate and may require professional assistance from an expert. Some of the telltale signs that your property has a bed bug infestation are visible bites, dark spots on the mattress, and molted skins.

Mosquitoes are another pest that can be a nuisance to homeowners. They can spread West Nile virus, which is a highly contagious disease that can be fatal for some individuals. These critters are also a potential mosquito vector for the West Coast Zika virus. The most common stinging pests in the Sacramento area are Yellowjackets and Hornets. Both of these insects are social and sting when they’re threatened, though Yellowjackets tend to sting more often than Hornets.


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