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How Much Does a Desktop Laser Cutter Charge Per Hour?

Desktop Laser Cutter Charge

How much does a desktop laser cutter cost? This is a question that you may be asking yourself if you have just started using one. Often, you’ll need to calculate the costs per hour before making a decision. For example, a standard CO2 laser can cut soft materials up to an inch thick. However, a higher-powered laser can cut steel over an inch thick, although it may have poor efficiency.

Another consideration when determining the cost of a desktop laser marking machine is the material being cut. While some machines are able to cut materials as thick as 20mm, most only work on materials 0.5 to 12mm thick. If you’re cutting thick wood, you’ll need a CNC router. How much does a desktop laser cutter cost per hour? is an important question. Here’s an overview of pricing options.

Depending on the materials you’re cutting, the amount of maintenance you have to perform on a desktop laser cutter is quite variable. You’ll need to clean the machine’s lens and mirrors once a week, and it may need realignment or a new lens. This process can take up to an hour and can be done after working hours. For a professional, you can expect to pay anywhere between $600 and $7000 per hour.

How Much Does a Desktop Laser Cutter Charge Per Hour?

A high-quality desktop laser cutter should be easy to use and intuitive. An onboard camera automatically focuses the lasers and image-processing Cloud software can recommend settings that give the best results. Historically, desktop laser cutters have cost upwards of $200,000.

A high-powered laser allows you to cut thicker and thinner materials more quickly. A 25-watt laser source will be sufficient for paper and cardboard, but if you want to cut 6mm MDF or 10mm acrylic, you may need to upgrade to a higher-watt machine. A high-powered machine will likely require a new power supply or modification to the laser cabinet. Your budget will play a huge role in determining how much a desktop laser cutter costs per hour.

While operating costs for a laser cutting machine are higher than for an engraving machine, they are significantly lower. Engraving uses more power than cutting, and the cost per hour is 0.25 dollars or less. Make sure you choose a high-quality machine, as cheap machines may be unreliable and will need repairs every few months. That means you need to plan ahead to ensure a profitable business.


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