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Get the best deal at vehicle auctions

Vehicle auctions provide you with a wide range of options for used vehicles, whether you buy them for repair or dismantle for parts. Since you are buying at the beginning of the supply chain for vehicles that insurance companies auction off, you get the cheapest deals.

Apply the following tips before entering the world of used car auctions and get the right vehicles at the best prices.

– Investigation of brands and models. You can cut your search time in half by knowing exactly what you need. Look for makes and models that are in high demand but relatively low in supply in your local market. This will give you maximum pricing power. Likewise, if you are looking for salvage vehicles for parts, aim for salvage vehicles with the parts that have the highest demand and the highest profit margins.

– Research the market. A good place to research the salvage vehicle market is by looking at the sales data for the models you are interested in at wholesale vehicle auctions. Find a company that provides professional export services that also has an online system where you can access this data for free. When it’s time to buy, you can stock up on these auctions and specialized salvage auctions in other countries.

– Consider high mileage vehicles. In addition to going with collision and water-damaged vehicles at vehicle auctions, consider high-mileage vehicles as well. The demand for vehicles that reach or exceed 100,000 kilometers dips into the used vehicle market and becomes a salvage grade value.

– Get an idea of ​​what it will cost to repair the damage to the vehicle. If you are purchasing salvage vehicles for repair, be sure to take a close look at the damaged areas of the vehicle and estimate the likely repair costs before bidding.

– Get an idea of ​​the value of the pieces. Alternatively, if you are buying salvage vehicles to dismantle parts, it is best to estimate the value of the vehicle parts. Often times, you will be able to get complete salvage grade vehicles for the value of the engine and transmission parts alone.

– Seek help from reputable sources. Lastly, hire an export company that gives you the option of all quality used vehicle auction grades, from new to salvage, and can process your purchase orders, arrange trucking to port, documentation, and export to your destination.

These are simple but smart ways to get the best deal at vehicle auctions.


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