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How Greenhouse Air Conditioning Works

Greenhouse Air Conditioning Works

The most common method of greenhouse air conditioning uses fans in the end wall. The greenhouse is sealed off in winter, so air enters through the motorized shutter. Exhaust fans pull the air out of the greenhouse. These fans are thermostatically controlled and produce a slight drop in air pressure inside the greenhouse. The amount of water evaporating from the nozzle is determined by the temperature of the greenhouse. When the temperature rises, the frequency of misting increases.

Another method of greenhouse air conditioner is to utilize an evaporative cooling pad. This method keeps the growth zone warmer by increasing relative humidity. It also uses exhaust fans to draw drier air from outside. The temperature in the greenhouse must be managed for proper growth at different stages of growth. For vegetative stage, the under-crop heat is optimal. For flowering, the canopy must balance the temperature and humidity. If the temperature in the greenhouse increases above the evaporative cooling pad, the plant may die.

Portable air conditioners are a great option for greenhouse air conditioning. These units are quite expensive, but they are more effective than any other method. Most air conditioning systems have a dehumidifier built into them. They also help moderate humidity. It is important to note that some greenhouses are more susceptible to high humidity, so portable air conditioners should not be the only cooling option. So, consider all the options before making a final decision!

How Greenhouse Air Conditioning Works

Other methods of greenhouse air conditioning include trees. Trees will shade the greenhouse soil, bringing it down. Large leaves of plants will also help reduce the temperature, acting as a natural evaporative cooler. As the leaves of the plants drop in the fall, they will naturally cool down the greenhouse as they dry. The best greenhouse air conditioning system will keep the humidity in the greenhouse between 50 and 70 percent. The best greenhouse air conditioning system will help you grow the most productive and healthy crops.

Shade cloth is an option that will lower greenhouse temperatures by 10 degrees and reduce production costs. Shade cloth can be purchased from Greenhouse Megastore. If shade cloth is not an option, you can make your own shade cloth wall pads from 2×4’s and PVC. A small sump tank can also work for this method. The more shade cloth you use, the more shade your greenhouse will have. However, shade cloth is a great option, especially if your greenhouse is small and has limited space.

Another option for greenhouse air conditioning is biomass boilers. Biomass boilers use wood, organic waste, and thermodynamic panels to produce heat, which reduces greenhouse air conditioning costs. This option also improves yields. Many farmers have begun looking for alternative solutions to heating oil and diesel boilers. The latter two methods emit large amounts of CO2 and are expensive for farmers. It is important to invest in climate-friendly air conditioning technology in order to save money and the environment.


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