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Health Fitness

How To Get Perfect Abs – 7 Simple Steps

The process of getting perfect abs is quite simple. All it takes is for you to build your abdominal muscles, lose fat, lose water and your abs will show. It may sound simple enough, but it takes some persistence and commitment on your part to follow the steps I’ve outlined below. The following 7 simple steps, if you do them consistently, will surely make your six-pack wish come true.

1.Cardiovascular exercise

The first step to getting perfect abs is to eliminate abdominal fat. You need 20-30 minutes of cardio at least 4 times a week. Do exercises that are easy for you. You can jog on the spot, swim, use a treadmill, rower, or stairmaster. The goal of cardiovascular exercise is to increase your heart rate for a period to stimulate circulation. It’s a great way to burn the fat that covers your abs.

2. Exercise to build muscle

Crunches, leg raises and crunches are the regular abs training exercises. However, it is not enough to do the regular abs exercise and hope to develop great six pack abs. Your entire midsection has to be trained. Your abs work together with your back muscles to support your body. A complete strength training that trains the main muscle groups is recommended.

3. Water

Adequate water intake increases metabolism. Aim for a minimum of 8 glasses a day. Your body is made up of two thirds of water. When there is enough water in your system, all processes, including the fat burning process, work better. Also, the more water you drink, the less hungry you will be. This will help you resist eating too much food and keep your weight down. Your abdominal muscles will also grow faster with enough water.

4. Diet

I can’t give you a complete diet plan here. Follow these diet basics to give yourself six pack abs. Eat a good breakfast. Studies say that men who eat breakfast regularly tend to have flatter bellies. Don’t stay hungry for an extended period. Eat small meals at intervals of 3 to 4 hours. Take fruit and protein shakes for snack. Add plenty of whole grains, lean proteins, and vegetables to your diet. Stay away from fatty acids, butter, margarine, etc.

5. Lose fat and water

Like I said before, your ripped abs are buried under the bulge of your belly. Getting rid of the fat and water is what gets them out. Start with a weight loss program that will, of course, include some of what we’ve already discussed. Set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight weekly. The more fat you lose, the sharper your ripped abs will look.

6. Sleep

You may be wondering what to do with sleep to get six pack abs. Irregular sleep disrupts the hormones that help your body burn fat. When you lose sleep, your body’s resistance to burning fat increases and you store more fat. Therefore, learn to have a regular and adequate night’s rest daily.

7. Persist

Don’t just practice these steps for a few days and think you’ll get results. Getting perfect abs implies some change in your habits. Set goals, keep records, take action, and reward yourself when you reach those goals.


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