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Health Fitness

Holy Guacamole – 6 Ideas for Using Avocados in Your Meals

Avocados used to get a bad rap – they have fat. Yes, they sure do. But it is the kind that we need in our diet. It is a monounsaturated fat, which helps lower your LDL (lousy cholesterol). Avocados are also an excellent source of fiber and vitamin B6 and have twice the potassium of bananas.

Avocados are versatile, but also somewhat brittle. You can quickly ripen them by placing them in a brown bag for a couple of days. Once ripe, however, they bruise easily, so they require a bit of tender handling and should be eaten shortly after they mature.

There are many ways you can add avocado to your food options beyond guacamole. It’s not that I don’t like guacamole, because I like it and I can’t imagine a taco or fajita without it. As an example, avocado is now a standard ingredient in California Rolls as a sushi selection.

Salads: A favorite at our house is a marinated avocado salad: chopped red onions, quartered Roma tomatoes, diced avocado mixed with a 3: 1 mix of oil (canola or olive) with rice wine vinegar. Serve on a bed of mixed greens. It is so light and refreshing.

Stuffed: Use the avocado as a serving dish. Fill an avocado half with chunks of crab or shrimp and a splash of 1000 Island dressing. Consider chicken or tuna salad as a filling as well.

Breakfast: My favorite quick breakfast is a slice of whole wheat bread and toasted flax bread. Top with avocado slices, spread like butter and a pinch of salt for seasoning. It’s just perfect, fast, and filling.

Dressings: I put avocado slices on top of chili or tortilla soup. With a hint of sour cream and a dash of Monterey Jack cheese it’s the perfect finishing touch. It is also an excellent seasoning for hamburgers. I make a turkey burger and mix sauce with the meat. Grill, melt your favorite cheese, and top with an avocado slice or two.

Sandwiches: How about sliced ​​avocado on a club sandwich, or a BLT, or turkey or roast beef? You get the idea. I also make a melt sandwich: sourdough bread slices topped with sliced ​​turkey or chicken (tuna salad is wonderful too), thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, and red onions. Top with sliced ​​avocado and grated Swiss cheese (Monterey Jack, Pepper Jack, or Sharp Cheddar work well too). Tuck it under the broiler and serve with an open face. With some fresh fruit, this is a good, filling lunch.

Sweet: Yes, avocado is used in sweet recipes, not just salty. I make avocado bread (like a zucchini bread) and you would never know. I have not tried the avocado cake but the reviews are always excellent. In South America, avocado smoothies (avocado with milk and ice mixed together like a smoothie) is a fairly traditional offering.

There is still no substitute for a bowl of guacamole with fresh tortilla chips. I’d have it any day with sour cream sauce. But next time you have some avocados around the house, consider some of these ideas for a special treat.


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