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How to prevent and handle intruders at parties

Approach party intruders politely and calmly: if you react harshly, you could trigger a potentially violent incident; It is always better to stay calm and not lose your cool. Be aware of their behavior and demeanor: Are they friendly and respectful, or intoxicated and aggressive? The way they behave and present themselves will be key to handling the situation.

Ask them how they found out about your party – the answer to this question can help you decide whether or not to let them stay. Were they invited by another guest? Did they come and go? This information can also help you know whether to wait for other uninvited guests or a repeat situation later in the evening.

Decide if they’re worth kicking out – if the party crashers are friendly and you want them to stay, everyone wins, and you may have made new friends! If this is the case, welcome them back and have fun, knowing that your party is clearly the place to be.

If you want the partygoers to go:

Keep calm. As host and person in charge, it is your duty to keep your cool.

Expect resistance or combative behavior

Explain (politely) to unwanted guests that this party is by invitation only. They should get the hint.

If all else fails, try this last resort trick: In some cases, the truth is not always the best policy; One trick that works wonders for weeding out uninvited guests is to tell them that you just got the news that they have called the police and are on their way. This often happens with large parties, usually on behalf of an irritated neighbor or, in some cases, even the host’s housemates. After privately telling your close and in-control friends (and guests!) To party guests what’s going on, make it look like now that the police are officially involved, the party is over. Get people to start crawling toward the door and appear to come out. Most party enthusiasts don’t want to consciously test the limits of the law during their night out, so they are likely to end the night and leave voluntarily.

Keep partiers from ruining your night:

Make it clear in the invitation or to your friends if they can invite other people.

If the intruders appear dangerous or are armed, call the police immediately.

Hire a mega-muscle for the night: Professional security guards or bodyguards are trained to deal with these types of situations and above all, they provide invaluable peace of mind that you, your property and your guests are protected, should your party is so cool you just had to crash it.


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