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Digital Marketing

How to write website content that isn’t boring

By creating content for your products, services, and online marketing materials, you can become stale, boring, and lose touch with your audience, to the point where they can no longer relate to you.

By considering your audience first and your goals second, you can overcome these common problems.

tell your story

Starting from your customer’s perspective, tell your story with them in mind. You can speak to them from the voice of a customer yourself. After all, why did you create the products or services that you created? Did you do it because you needed them yourself? How did you discover the need for your product or service? Because you? Stay in the customer’s perspective throughout the story and they’ll better engage with your offerings.

don’t be pretentious

Instead of using jargon and “corporate” language, speak to your audience members as if they were your equals and you will become more human to them. It will also give you the opportunity to show them your personality. While you want to be a thought leader and teacher, you don’t want to come across as a know-it-all and boring person.

seek to be relevant

Stay up to date on your industry so you can stay relevant. Don’t stick to old ways of doing things long after they’re gone. Pay attention to what’s new and you’ll always be on top of your niche and relevant to your audience.

Use plain language

Talk to your audience as if you were talking to a good friend. Write how you speak. There is no need to use bigger words than you would normally use. If it helps, get speech-to-text software and talk over your blog posts and content. You can also try vlogging if it helps you avoid using language that doesn’t come naturally to you.

Focus on your audience

No matter what you’re writing, blogging, vlogging, and doing, it’s always supposed to be about your audience. They need to know what’s in it for them and keep the focus on them over yourself. Instead of looking to glamorize yourself and put yourself above them, put them on a pedestal and make everything center around them at all times.

make every word count

Once you finish writing a piece of content, edit it so your writing is concise and to the point. Try to write shorter sentences instead of long sentences. Also, don’t make paragraphs too long and keep each blog post narrow in focus.

Include Appropriate Images

With any content, you can get your point across more easily by using images. Sometimes a concept is easier to express with an image and other times the image just helps set the mood and tone of the entire post.


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