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IDemise Team Leveling Guide Review – What Will You Get For $ 47?

Written by a multi-game team who were known for their participation in games like Counter-Strike and have even now become competitive Starcraft 2 tournaments. IDemise has been around for as long as E-Sports or possibly even longer. At that time, during the popularity of Classic World of Warcraft, they realized the need for guides and strategies of the typical WoW gamer and released their own guide that boldly claims that they are the fastest to level up from scratch to level. maximum.

With a hefty $ 47 price tag, many players tend to shrink as there is more than 3 months of playtime involved, but the truth is that the guide was created by players who wanted to help other players reach their goals faster. . If you are already someone who plays World of Warcraft, you may have already realized that it is not very fun to have a low level, since everything exciting and new is closely related to the maximum level. Not to mention, there are plenty of useful tools as long as you are as close to being trained one-on-one with a team member to guide you.

Among the many tools there is one in the game they called “Questup”, which is a plugin that gives you instructions on the fastest way to get to a destination, as well as warning tips on what to look for and what to watch out for. Unlike many other guides that simply provide a PDF file at the time of purchase, this is something that even has interaction between players, as comments and observations are recorded for other users to review. This makes “Alt-tabbing” between Adobe Reader and WoWhead an outdated time-wasting act.

On top of all that, the iDemise team leveling guide provides detailed information based on your race, class, and level. Most of what I’ve seen from their competitors are mission locations to show you where the mission is, but what about how to complete the mission? You can’t expect a holy priest to be able to solo an elite mob just because a hunter or warlock can. And that’s where they tell you succinctly that “This is not just for this or that class” and it would save you a death, as well as a long walk back to your corpse.

For those of you who are still thinking, “Yeah, well that’s just YOUR opinion,” there are thousands of testimonials that swear you have never regretted paying the minimum price. Not to mention that iDemise has a money back guarantee that applies for THREE MONTHS. You could have leveled 10 different classes and then get your money back at the end. That’s how confident they are that you will be so happy with their guide that you will keep it to ensure that when an expansion arrives, it will be updated and that you will need it.


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