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Life is a journal of mature writing material – enjoy the journey of your journal and expect the unexpected

Writing, at least for me, is my saving grace! Freeing raw or mature words from thoughts and having a diary as a friend is good self-therapy! Appreciate the ability of your journals to allow you to develop your thoughts and review how you may have felt, on any given day. Know that as you journal, you do so to unleash creativity, and you may be pleasantly surprised at what your own words can heal or reexamine. Write or write a life of peace or adventure. Release your written words and expect to reap the unexpected; Peace or Sorrow may be reprinted or published until another story is written, again, in your travel journal.

I wrote a lot in my diary when I was a kid. Though when I reflect, it was mostly writing and purging hurtful events on paper in constant fear that playful, prying, unwanted, mischievous eyes would gain access and taunt me as they read what was none of their business to read in the first place. .

Yes, it was an exhausting experience to have a burning desire and a physical need and the need to write words, songs or stories and fables on paper. Things were especially difficult when privacy and space were at a premium.

Living in a small house, in tight quarters, in an old-fashioned Texas town, with lots of kids around, constantly having to write on the sly; Sure, it wasn’t a safe bet to keep my diary up to date.

Keeping it out of the vengeful and enemy hands of disdainful brothers and sisters was more of a chore than the peaceful event it could be, if done unopposed.

While her interests were more adventurous, though I’ll give you that, mine were more private and self-contained and I couldn’t understand why reading my private entries would be so compelling. My siblings were of similar ages and had the advantage of being in close contact with each other.

The first three of my siblings went to the same two schools until graduation. One was called Blanco and the other was like the Spanish explorer: Coronado. The youngest also attended school alone with no other siblings around him, just like me!

I missed the district deadline and was on my own to figure it all out, by myself, so I chose the path that was best for me.

I was doing well in school, making friends with like-minded students and even helping my teachers was my social unit and family plan. That’s when the spelling error, illness, disease, obsession or compulsion began…

I wanted to fit in somewhere and when my English and language arts teachers favored me, I knew what I wanted to do…

It was in my writing assignments at Roberts School that I felt most comfortable, stable, and confident in being myself and finding other kids feeling and doing the same.

I quickly learned that I liked the challenge of writing with clear thought, creating passages and researching and being able to spell it out and take the hurt and pain out of me and turn it into something serious or lighthearted or even funny.

My teacher: Mrs. Quill, you told me to start a journal, so I did! From then on, I quickly learned that a journal is just the beginning of the path that is commonly called freelance writing.

Writing, which usually begins with a journal, is a clear way to examine or challenge yourself, your progress, and work things out on paper that bring back the words, if only to yourself, that exude the pulse of their fears, perceptions. or challenges, challengers ORRR more for manifesting your miracles and pursuing your dreams.

Life is a travel diary and you can’t stop hoping, knowing and believing in the power of writing your way to achieve miracles and fulfill dreams.

So if you are a young writer and they read your journal, take a break or a short breather and then get back into your writing habit again!

One day my older brother feverishly searched and found my diary…

Ed was the kind of person who always had something intrusive to say about what he was doing, or always compared me to other members of my family.

Of course, when he read my diary, his assumptions were correct. I was a lone wolf in my skill of choice: writing and enjoying my craft, I knew it to be my truth, and luckily I lived in an environment that was great for wolves. LOL.

We lived across the street from a great, obscenely vast desert, where you could hear the howling of animals.

For where now resides a complete shopping center and a large package store.

Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping at Sam’s, though before I was there, there was only a desperate, desolate desert that was the haunting haunt of nature walkers, kissing teenagers, wild animals, and reptiles. , as well as an unknown landscape. And then there was me, doing my homework in peace and stealing a few tasty moments to write poetry!

Expect to be pleasantly surprised by what your mind will prompt you to write, it is what was revealed to me when I was deep in meaningful prayer.

I also learned that it was much wiser to be less resistant to what my mind would say than what I was expected to write.

Enjoy the journey of your journal and expect to be pleasantly surprised at how much time alone it will allow you to write.

Everyone’s autobiography is already written, get out of their way and write from your heart space and watch your emotions shift and shift for more enlightenment and self-feeding.

AAAAAH, those were the good old days. Growing up in West El Paso wasn’t easy if you were unique or a little eccentric aka different.

I can never be accused of being a sheep or a follower of traditions and customs that I was not raised to believe.

I would have liked to interact a little more with others, or even have been invited to participate. They could have at least given me an invite, just by saying…

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!


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