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Office Reception Desk Essential Supplies

When it comes to the office reception desk, it is important that it is well stocked. After all, your receptionist handles all the phone calls that come in and out, as well as all the customers or patients that show up on a day-to-day basis. He or she should be well equipped at the front desk of your office to take on all the tasks you have during the day.

You should first consider your reception desk furniture. You have to figure out how much space your receptionist needs, and of course has, in the room they will be located in. There are many different options for a desk, from small basic desks to wraparound desks, which are especially useful if you have more than one receptionist working at once. It gives them enough space to do their own chores.

You also have to look at the office seats. You want seats that are comfortable for long-term use, that don’t make your receptionist feel awkward or notice that your muscles are sore at the end of the day. Chairs with comfortable, flexible cushions and backs are best. Swivel chairs make it easy for your receptionist to move around the desk to whatever files they need.

When you set up your office reception desk, you need the basics. Each desk should be equipped with a phone, computer, printer, copier, and fax machine, as well as a power strip to accommodate it all. You can often find machines that serve multiple purposes to save space and money.

You also need storage space and filing cabinets so your receptionist can keep everything organized. Whether your office reception desk comes with file drawers or you purchase a separate cabinet for everything, you need an easy way to get organized.

Then there are the simple items like pens, paper, scissors, tape, paper clips, and a stapler that should be on every worker’s desk, but are easy to forget. Make a list and make sure it is well stocked, with extras of everything in case they are needed.

Let your receptionist know that if there is anything you feel is missing from your office reception desk, they should let you know. It’s always good to get feedback from employees and they can think of something really useful that you hadn’t thought of. It’s always good to work with your employees in mind so you can give them exactly what they need!


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