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Recycle the old wheels of your office chair

Some chairs are comfortable and the wheels squeak when moved, others move like a magic carpet, but feel like sitting on a bed of nails. It seems that the two situations rarely meet naturally to create the perfect office chair or some torture device designed in the Middle Ages for the Inquisition. As older chairs are replaced with newer models and before old ones are thrown away, take and recycle office chair wheels and possibly create your own perfect chair.

Production lines are moving faster and it seems that some of the quality has been lost in newer products and office chairs are no exception. This especially applies to wheels. Older model chairs had solidly built wheels that were meant to last.

By saving and recycling your old office chair wheel, you may find that it actually adds life to your new chair. If the wheels don’t wear out as quickly, people will tend to use it longer. There is nothing worse than a creaky chair in a quiet office.

This rule applies not only to office chairs, but also to all office furniture on wheels. Each solidly built set can easily be used to replace a newer but inferior set for longer life. Mail carts will make less noise when passing through the aisle and the video conference cart will not need two people to move because one wheel will not work properly.

Storing old office chair casters and making sure everyone knows you’ve done so will help every employee get the chair they want, without all the forms and purchase orders required for a new one. All the pieces are there, just take some time to move the pieces and an extra chair or two will have been saved. This type of chair recycling benefits everyone.

This is one way to save a little money and get more use out of your existing office furniture. Recycling is an integral part of our daily life at home. There’s no reason our workplace can’t benefit from this too.


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