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Reverse Living Floor Planning: What Is It and Is It Right For You?

Traditional architecture found throughout the home building industry typically provides for two story homes with the main living space on the first floor and the bedrooms on the second floor. However, a popular alternative to this floor plan has evolved which is known as reverse living. Read on as I explain reverse living and help you decide when a reverse floor plan might be right for you.

In traditional two-story homes, active living space found in rooms such as the living room, kitchen, dining room, study, and family room are located on the first floor. This arrangement makes it easy to get in and out of the house during the normal course of the day, when homeowners and their families tend to make multiple and frequent trips to and from home and, in the process, want the comfort of a same-sex relationship. floor between your indoor and outdoor living space. The more passive activity of sleep, which typically occurs in bedrooms, is relegated to the second floor, the least convenient level of the traditional two-story home.

The simplest form of a reverse floor plan is the reverse of the living space and sleeping space within a two-story house. This relationship of indoor living to the outdoor environment changes due to view corridors or outdoor amenities, so a client is looking to maximize exposure during their lifetime. This type of floor plan is most common for homes located to take advantage of the panoramic views created by mountains, hilltops, wetlands, wildlife sanctuaries, rivers, streams, bodies of water, and urban skylines. By placing the living space on the highest level within the house, views are more easily captured or perhaps made visible when they might be partially or fully blocked on lower levels.

Within a reverse floor plan, bedrooms are relegated to the more inactive areas of the house. In some inverted floor plans, the master bedroom can be included on the highest level of the home, if the owner wishes to appreciate the views in the privacy and serenity of their bedroom.

Now, is a reverse floor plan right for you? It may be if your building lot is located on or near beautiful landscaping or view corridors, whether man-made or natural, and you want to enjoy those views to the fullest!


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