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Separation Anxiety in Dogs/Puppies

Separation anxiety in dogs

You are like me, I love my dog ​​but it can be a handful. I go to work and come home to destruction! I would put him in a cage and all he would do is whine! And when I get home he constantly jumps on me or follows me wherever I go! Why is he acting this way?

I was so tired of his antics that I was tempted to take him back to the pound. Even though I know I would have missed it, it would almost be worth getting rid of the hassle.

Has your dog been acting strange lately? Is he moaning anymore? Does he follow you around the house? Is he destroying your possessions? He may be suffering from separation anxiety.

Whether you already have a dog or are considering buying a puppy, you need to know which breed is more prone to separation anxiety. Learning how dog anxiety affects your dog’s behavior will help you understand how to prevent and/or treat the problem.

German shepherds are a breed that has this problem a lot.

A puppy recently separated from its mother tends to have separation anxiety. An older dog that is used to receiving more attention may also exhibit canine anxiety. There are different reasons why canine anxiety can occur. Like a small child, your dog can’t tell you what he’s feeling, so he shows you.

Help teach your dog the healthy way to get the attention it craves.

A friend helped me understand what was happening with my dog, she said “

My dogs have not always been well behaved. When I got to Coco, she was moaning non-stop, she was getting wet everywhere and nothing was safe from her teeth. Then we have Jack, they would fight each other or destroy things together. It wasn’t until I started talking to other dog owners that I realized what the problem might be. Separation anxiety.

Have you ever thought that your dog suffered from separation anxiety? Hide all issues You know dogs can be like a little child. When you leave them, they may think you’re not coming back. Since we’ve learned more about the cause and solution to dog anxiety, our house has been much happier.

He said I could take my dog, Trydis, to a dog psychologist or an obedience class to find out if she had separation anxiety or do the research myself.

My advice to you is to find out everything you need to know about making your puppy or dog a good fit in the family to avoid some of the problems I’ve been having.

But if your puppy or dog is already showing signs of separation anxiety (continual whining when he realizes you’re getting ready to leave, destroying your belongings when you’re not home, leaving puddles and the like), get him the help he needs. need before you. decides to leave them.

Finding a solution may be easier than you think.


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