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Staying Healthy While Staying at Chicago Hotels

Staying healthy is a worthwhile goal for anyone traveling to the Windy City. But for many people, this can be quite a challenge, given the sumptuous local cuisine and luxurious accommodations in chic Chicago hotels. By taking advantage of the hotel’s fitness facilities and observing a proper diet throughout your trip, you can still achieve your health and fitness goals.

Good health is a commitment that must be upheld even when you are on vacation or on business, as a slip will make it more difficult to get back on track. It’s all about discipline and making the most of the resources you have.

For starters, choose a hotel that puts you within reasonable walking distance of the destinations you want to visit, whether it’s the Loop, Navy Pier, or the Magnificent Mile. This way, you’re not too far away that you have to take public transportation, but also not too close that you can’t cover much ground. While walking may not be rigorous exercise, studies show that physical activity doesn’t need to be strenuous to improve your fitness level.

However, if you’re looking for an active workout, especially after being cooped up in meetings or attending a convention at McCormick Place, it would be a good idea to find a hotel that has a well-equipped gym. Established hotels in Chicago will have the latest equipment and maybe even an indoor pool where you can do laps. If you’re lucky, the hotel you choose may also have a spa or sauna where you can relax.

If your hotel is located near scenic spots like Lake Michigan, you can also go for a morning run or check to see if your hotel offers bike rentals. Running and biking are also great ways to enjoy the city.

However, exercise is not the only consideration. The delicious local cuisine has ruined many a traveler’s diet, as a visit to the Windy City would not be complete without trying the local fare, such as Chicago’s famous Italian beef, deep-dish pizza, and hot dogs. The key here is moderation.

If you plan to feast on the best food in town, it would be a good idea to plan it out and eat light, nutritious meals the rest of the time. The best hotels in Chicago offer healthy options, such as vegetarian food or meals with lean meat.

With enough discipline and planning, you can enjoy the best the city has to offer without sacrificing your health and fitness goals.


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