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Steel Edge Protection – Protect Your Work Area From Dings, Scratch and Dents

Steel Edge Protection

Whether you’re working on a construction site with steel edge protection or simply in an office with metal corner guards, they can help protect your work area from damage. These durable and affordable accessories can help prevent dings, scratches, and dents. They are also available in stainless steel and aluminum to meet your specific needs.

If you’re a contractor or in charge of safety at a workplace, you’ll know that fall protection is crucial. Falls from height are among the most common injuries in construction and can lead to serious injury or even death. In fact, falling from an unprotected edge is one of the most frequently cited Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) violations. This is why it’s essential to have the right safety equipment on hand and to train your workers on how to use it properly.

Edge protection systems are a means of collectively protecting people from falling from a height and are typically made up of barriers that are held in place by posts which are in turn fixed to the structure or platform by brackets, clamps or bases. They are used in areas where a worker may fall from a height such as the leading edge of a building or scaffolding.

Steel Edge Protection – Protect Your Work Area From Dings, Scratch and Dents

This type of system can be installed on all sorts of construction sites including large scale commercial buildings, civil engineering infrastructure worksites, residential builds and renovations, portal frame buildings that are commonly used for warehousing and flat roof renewal. However, they are particularly useful on building sites where there is a risk of falling from the edges of buildings, technological openings like elevators and roof edges.

In addition to the obvious mountings on slabs, they can be fitted to precast concrete to formwork beams and sheet piles, bridge parapets, structural timber elements and structural steel columns. They are also mounted to existing buildings as they’re under construction so they can be moved and relocated throughout the construction process as required.

In order to determine which type of safety barrier is required, a thorough hazard assessment should be performed. This will include a full list of all tasks that will be carried out at the site and how they relate to potential hazards. It’s also important to remember that the work area near a leading edge can change throughout the course of the project so it’s essential that a mobile system is on hand to ensure continued protection. Unlike personal fall arrest equipment which will arrest the fall of a single person, guardrails provide protection for multiple workers and can be used in conjunction with other safety measures such as work permits and safety netting.


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