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Real Estate

The 5 Best (and Worst) REALTOR Slogans

Let’s get straight to the point, okay?

Best REALTOR Slogans

#5. “My job is your future”– Okay. So you understand how important buying a house is to me.

#4. “Provider of fine homes for fine people” – Nothing bad; a bit boring, but has a good command of the language and demonstrates a strong commitment to a target market.

#3. “Sells in 100 days, or I buy it”– Does this belong in the top 5? Yes, because it stands out, it is committed and I know I will have a guaranteed sale within 4 months.

#two. “I never forget that you have a choice”– That’s what I like to hear: you will always have the right motivations while we work together.

#1. “Anyone can sell their house. I can sell it for more.” – Strong, assertive and straight to the point. Let me put you to the test.

Worst REALTOR Slogans

#5. “A real estate agent you can trust”– Sounds like something your parole officer told you to say.

#4. “No wacky jokes, just great service”– Is this an oxymoron? (Definitely an idiot)

#3. “It’s the Energy!”– And what does that mean? I think your doctor prescribes you too many stimulants… Out of curiosity, what is your name (my friend wants to know…)?

#two. “Everything I touch becomes sold!” – Haha! It’s funny, I’ll give you that. But now that the joke is over, can you introduce me to a real REALTOR?

#1. “Spouses Selling Homes” – Does it include domestic disputes with exhibitions?


This was a difficult article to write because there are at least 20 terrible catchphrases for every good one. Some general rules:

  • Use common sense: no one wants to hear you state the obvious, and no one is interested in complacency. There’s also not much room for humor (there are exceptions, of course), so keep it professional.
  • If you say something bold in your tagline, make sure you’re willing to eat, sleep, and breathe.
  • If you can’t come up with anything good, don’t worry: customers won’t notice that you don’t have a catchy phrase, but you could lose customers if you have a bad one.


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