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Health Fitness

The easiest bone to break in your body

The bones in your body are important for keeping you upright and moving. They give you structure and a sense of being defined. Many of your bones also function as protection for your vital organs, such as your rib cage. But for the most part, your entire skeleton provides your entire body below the sack that is your skin.

But which of your bones are actually more likely to break? While almost all of your bones are prone to injury, probably the easiest bone in your body to break is your ankle bone.

There are actually three bones in the entire ankle: the tibia, the talus, and the fibula. They are surrounded by a series of ligaments that work together to allow you to walk and run. Your ankle works as an accessory between your foot and your leg to ensure that your movements in your lower body are well synchronized.

Your ankle bones are prone to sprains and fractures. Commonly, these conditions are caused by extreme physical activities, such as running too far or walking in the wrong direction. Or the injury could also be caused by a sport you played. In fact, athletes are more prone to this because in the competitive nature of the games they play, they tend to forget proper posture, weight, and carriage that allow their ankles to support the mass of their entire body.

A more physiological cause of sprain and fracture of the ankle bones is obesity. When your body weight is more than it should be, your ankles are forced to expand. But the bones still have the same structure, so it is difficult for them to support the weight of your body. This is why they eventually break.

Broken bones are very difficult to heal. They must be allowed to heal naturally. In the case of ankle bones, you should avoid too much walking, at least while they heal.

Bones can be strong and hard to break, but with too much pressure from your many activities, you can put them in serious jeopardy. Many of your bones, from the smallest to the largest, from the softest to the hardest, are prone to breaking. This would give him serious health problems because the splinters can pierce his organs and his activities would be restricted. Taking care of your bones is very important. For more information on how to take care of your bones, consult your trusted osteopath now.


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