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Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends teach positive character traits

Since its introduction, Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends have made their way into the hearts of young fans and their parents around the world. As they learn railway terms and laugh at the antics of mischievous freight cars, children learn many positive character traits.

Every engine in the yard claims to be “a really useful engine”. It is one of the highest compliments they can receive, and it teaches children to value hard work and do their part in a job. As they rejoice with Thomas and his friends when they finally get this compliment from Sir Topham Hatt, the kids get excited and want to try it for themselves. They find their own ways to be “really helpful movers.” Wise parents encourage this trend by giving them kid-sized chores that really make a difference around the house and letting them know when the work is done.

Obeying common sense and listening to the advice of others is another prominent trait in the Thomas the Tank Engine stories. Young children reenact these stories with Thomas and his friends, repeating to themselves, “Fool, Thomas, I should have listened,” painlessly internalizing a lesson all parents want their children to take to heart: Listen to good advice! ! It will save you a lot of pain and trouble.

Good manners and a good attitude are also exemplified by these cheerful engines and the people who work with them. Thomas and his friends say good morning, appreciate each other’s help, and are respectful of their drivers and Sir Topham Hatt. The courtesy lessons are even stronger because it’s a “given” on the Island of Sodor. If you are an honest engine, you speak politely to others.

And punctuality! Each engine strives to be “on time” and works very hard to avoid being late. This is such an important character trait for children to develop. Whether it’s getting ready for school or practicing the piano, punctuality is important and is reinforced by the knowledge that every little engine strives to be “on time”.

The engines’ response to newcomers helps children understand the importance of kindness in welcoming others and being happy for the “new kid” and their contributions. Having seen Thomas and his friends overcome initial uncertainties and misunderstandings and become good friends with the new engines, the children see how they must respond with friendship to the newcomers in their peer group. Kindness is a character trait that you will see children practice in their role play with Thomas toys.

Another lesson, too, is dealing with difficult personalities. Even the best engines have fits of petulance, and some trucks and diesels in particular always seem to have a chip on their shoulder. For Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends, this brings up the lesson of how to deal with difficult people. Percy, for example, finds a creative way to teach naughty trucks a lesson, modeling resourcefulness and the will to stand up for him. Children need to learn this too, that there are some difficult people in the world and sometimes it takes creativity and determination to work with them and thwart the problems they can cause.

Thomas the Tank Engine stories and play toys stand out as a very popular children’s series that actually teaches a lot of positive character traits in a completely wholesome environment. Parents appreciate that Thomas and his friends are hardworking AND polite. They are resourceful and even heroic, and at the same time they are respectful. They stand up for themselves when faced with difficult peers, but learn to listen to sensible advice from those in authority. Sometimes this can be a rare combination of character traits in a children’s series these days! If you’re looking to build character, with toys and stories that young children love, check out Thomas and Friends! You will surely be impressed.


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