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Thyroid conditions and hair loss

Hair loss in women is often the result of a thyroid condition. Dull, lifeless, brittle, thinning, or tangled hair could be an early sign of a thyroid imbalance. Hair loss from thyroid disorders usually occurs evenly over the entire scalp. Hair loss can occur quickly and may be extensive. Hair loss that occurs on the outer third of the eyebrow is also an indication of thyroid imbalance.

A healthy thyroid is essential for healthy hair. Thyroid function is often the first lab test a doctor will order when there is unexplained hair loss. The thyroid helps proper circulation to the scalp, nails, and skin. Hair follicles require thyroxine, a hormone produced by the thyroid. Insufficient or excessive production of thyroxine can cause hair loss.

Even a slight thyroid imbalance can cause hair loss symptoms. If the imbalance is minimal, it can often be improved with diet, lifestyle changes, and alternative healing methods. Advanced cases often require medication. Those taking medication should be closely monitored as certain thyroid medications can cause or increase hair loss in some people. The dose and type of medication may need to be adjusted.

Thyroid disorders are more common in women than in men, particularly in times of hormonal fluctuations. A woman’s hormonal system is delicate and intricately balanced. Any hormonal imbalance can lead to a thyroid problem. Adrenal exhaustion and insulin resistance have similar symptoms to thyroid, including hair loss. Any of these conditions can cause or be related to thyroid problems.

A brief description of thyroid disorders and their symptoms are as follows:


Grave’s disease is an autoimmune form of hyperthyroidism. It usually occurs in young and middle-aged women. Symptoms include hair loss, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, thin skin, increased body heat, and sweating. It can also affect the tissue behind the eyes.


Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune condition that causes the immune system to attack and destroy the thyroid gland. Symptoms include mental and physical slowness, increased sensitivity to cold, weight gain, hair loss, thickening of the skin. It is the most common thyroid disease in the US.


With hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is underactive. Symptoms include diffuse hair loss, dry skin, brittle hair, weight gain, lethargy.


With hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland is overactive. Symptoms include diffuse hair loss, oily skin, weight loss, hyperactivity, excessive sweating.

Thyroid conditions are just one of the many causes of female hair loss. It is important to determine the type and cause of hair loss. Almost all cases of female hair loss can be improved or reversed once the cause is identified and addressed.

Hair loss associated with thyroid conditions can be improved through a variety of natural healing methods, including diet and nutritional supplements, aromatherapy, scalp massage, homeopathy, and reflexology.


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