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What is the Lifespan of an Air Conditioner?

Lifespan of an Air Conditioner

Air conditioning is a vital part of keeping your home comfortable and healthy. Whether you own a window or central AC unit, it is important to understand how long your air conditioner will last. This information can help you plan ahead for repairs and replacements. It will also help you determine if it is time to invest in a new system.

HVAC systems are workhorses that experience heavy use and can be expensive to replace or repair. On average, they can last between 15 to 25 years. There are many things that impact the lifespan of your HVAC unit, including usage, maintenance, and climate.

Among the most important factors is how intensely and frequently your Air Conditioning repair is used. Two identical units that are located in different climates, for example, will wear down differently. Similarly, homeowners that tweak the thermostat constantly will cause the air conditioner to work harder than those who stick to a consistent temperature setting. This can cause the system to wear down more quickly.

Your cooling system will last longer if it is properly sized to your space. Choosing a larger unit to cool a small home will force it to work harder and shorten its run cycles. This can lead to faster wear and tear, as well as increased energy bills.

What is the Lifespan of an Air Conditioner?

Air conditioners not only keep your home cool, but they also improve indoor air quality. They help to reduce pollen, dust, and mold in the air, which can make you feel sluggish and sick. They also prevent humidity from causing mildew and other problems.

The longevity of your air conditioner can be greatly enhanced by regular professional maintenance. A technician will ensure that all parts of your air conditioning system are clean and working properly, which will reduce the chance of a breakdown. They will also check that your system is sized appropriately for your home and that the ducts are clean and well-insulated.

You can also help to extend the lifespan of your AC unit by following simple maintenance tips. For instance, changing the filter regularly and cleaning the outdoor unit and ducts can help keep it in good shape. In addition, reducing the strain on your air conditioner by using blinds or curtains to block out sunlight and avoiding frequent adjustments to the thermostat can also prolong its lifespan.

Having a well-maintained and sized air conditioner can save you a lot of money over the course of its lifespan. If you are concerned about the age of your air conditioner, you should consider seeking a replacement. Contact an HVAC professional to see what your options are for a new unit. By doing your research and understanding how to care for an air conditioning unit, you can extend its lifespan far beyond the expected range. This can save you from the stress and expense of an unexpected AC failure in the middle of a hot summer. By knowing the signs to look for, you can plan ahead and replace your air conditioner before it fails.


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