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Win through intimidation

In 1970 Robert J. Ringer published the book Winning Through Intimidation. Millions of copies were sold, but now the book is out of print and only has one new copy priced at $143.58 and some used in the twenty dollar range. But, it is a very simple book and here is a summary of what it contains.

Ringer argues that bullying is one of the best ways to get ahead in business or in our professional lives. At first glance, the idea may be repugnant to us, but it has its merits.

It is a well-known fact that to be successful in the professional world we must be able to push our agenda and put our ideas into action. To be successful one must show leadership and have the ability to convince others. And, one of the tools to achieve this is through intimidation.

The word intimidation has a very pejorative connotation. It should not necessarily be so. A new understanding of the implication of the word bullying is needed.

Intimidation does not necessarily involve brute force. We can intimidate people in very subtle ways. The way we dress, the way we talk, our position in life, the titles we have, or the friends and contacts we have can all be forms of bullying.

To put it more succinctly, the image we project can be a form of bullying, and that bullying can be used to influence people.

Danielle, my life partner, is a very successful real estate broker. She has a professional speech, wears classic and expensive clothes, her appearance is always immaculate, and she drives an expensive car. To top it off, she is always cheerful and wears a permanent smile. Thanks to that, when she walks into a room, people notice and when she speaks, people listen. No wonder she is successful. She succeeds because she intimidates people, but she does it in a subtle, non-aggressive way.

That, in a word, is how we can win through intimidation. Not for being a bully, but for making a good and noticeable impression. Having a personal image above average and outstanding.

Winning through bullying means enhancing our God-given attributes in a positive way. It means cultivating the image of a competent and successful professional. It means presenting ourselves as a competent and self-confident person. As someone who respects himself and who also has the ability to respect others.

Throughout history, leaders have used intimidation in subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways to gain and maintain their status. It is a lesson that we can learn and use to our advantage. Intimidation works if we learn to use it wisely but it can also be destructive if used carelessly.

Bullying is a fact of life. We experience it every day. We can also learn about it and use it to our advantage. It is a powerful tool and must be used with care, but once mastered and skillfully wielded, it will work like a charm.


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