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Yeast Infection Treatment For Men – Remedies For A Yeast Infection

If you are looking for a yeast infection treatment for men, don’t be discouraged or embarrassed about it. They are quite common in both men and women and are easily treatable.


Some of the symptoms of a male yeast infection can include things like:

-A rash on the penis
-Burning sensation when urinating
– A thick white coating on the tongue.
-Lack of energy
-Pain during sex

Some of the treatments for male yeast infections include-


These are topical application creams like Mikonazole or Monistat-5. These should provide relief in a couple of days and should clear up the problem in 1-2 weeks. Just be sure to be diligent with treatment and not to use condoms for birth control, as the oil in the medication will break down the latex.

apple cider vinegar

Do not apply this directly to the affected area as it is too acidic and will burn. You need to dilute it in water and then take a bath in this solution. Also use plain apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar which can feed yeast fungus.

homeopathic solutions

You should also use a homeopathic solution along with these other things. It works by stimulating the body’s defense system and allowing it to heal itself naturally. Unlike some drugs, it has no negative side effects and no toxic ingredients are used. It is applied under the tongue so that they enter directly into the bloodstream and are fast acting. This should be used in conjunction with the other methods mentioned above, that way you are fighting the infection from both the inside and out.


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