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10 Power Selling Tips for Door-to-Door Sales

Door-to-door sales is a profession that dates back to the late 1800s, when companies like Avon built empires through the use of direct sales to consumers. Today, door-to-door sales remain one of the most powerful sales channels for a large number of industries.

I have spent years in the door-to-door sales business and have made thousands of sales to clients at the door. Below are 10 tips I’ve gleaned from my years of experience that will help anyone doing door-to-door sales, regardless of their background. These tips are in no particular order of importance, but if I were you, I would start with the numbers eight, nine, and ten. Then start over from number one, just so you can get eight, nine, and ten … one more time!

1. Present smooth and natural body language. You must give the impression that you have a purpose to knock on the customer’s door. The customer should know in advance that he is comfortable with the reason for which he is standing at his door. Use body language to reinforce the answers you are looking for. Pointing, waving, breaking eye contact at the right times are keys to smooth, natural body language.

two. Stand at a slight angle to the door. This gives the client a feeling of comfort and not aggressiveness. “You don’t want to be right in the customer’s face.”

3. Act officially and look busy. Remember, your time is valuable too. You are at this customer’s home to provide good customer service. The impression that your time is as valuable as the client’s gives the client peace of mind that you are there at an official function, and they should listen carefully to what you have to say.

Four. Speak in a flat, relaxed voice and SMILE! The smile will set the tone and people will naturally respond favorably to a smile. Make sure the tone of your voice is not overly excitable or aggressive, but rather in fact. Work to give the customer a sense of comfort to hear your message.

5. Know your tone, own your tone.The client must immediately believe that he knows what he is talking about. You have 30 seconds to break down a barrier, prepare a report, and request the desired response. You have to trust yourself immediately.

6. Overcome objections and use appropriate rebuttals. When faced with an objection, agree to relate sincerely to break the resistance. Flip the objection using a logical response or a counterargument (you may want to practice these and think carefully about your responses to common rejections ahead of time). Recap the program, product or company that you are presenting. Then close assuming you have overcome the objection and are ready to complete the transaction.

7. Mention important names. Use the names of the neighbors so that the client feels comfortable knowing that they are not alone and that “everyone is doing it.” Do what the Joneses do!

8. Hear!

9. Hear!

10. Hear! There is a simple rule that the best salespeople follow. Listen to what the customer is saying. Let me be more direct. SHUT UP AND LISTEN !! The client tells you exactly what to say or do next. If you shut up and listen to what they are telling you, you will know exactly what to do next. Many salespeople blur customer purchase signs because they “have something important to say.” Then the most important signs are lost. The signs of purchase. Shut up, listen and always close !!

Happy sale !!


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