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Home Kitchen

The Ideal House (Home Sweet Home)

The house was the place of the family gathered and protected from various disturbances that came from nature and from the disturbance of evil hands.

That is why in order for us to feel at home we stayed at home, so the pleasant atmosphere of the house was necessary.

Several characteristics of the Ideal House:

  • Its pleasant interior environment.
  • The outside had that beautiful atmosphere.
  • The clean kitchen part
  • The part of the clean TOILET

In the house, the values ​​of family and humanity were inverted generationally to the individual.

As the main means of a family, the existence of the house must become the main attention.

Four conditions must be met to be able to say as the ideal and healthy house.

  1. The interior of the house must be enough so that the room for the parents, the child and the guest is available. For the tropical zone, it is better that the attic was quite high, so that the volume of air in the room was sufficient. The air ventilation must be good, also the information of the room must be sufficient.
  2. The exterior of the house to have the patio area that was sufficient to be able to plant the reforestation crop, fruit, vegetables and flowers. The environment around the house may not be the dirtiest pollution. The facilities of water, electricity and continuation of the telephone were available. It had a road that could be traveled because in front of it were public service facilities such as the market, the hospital, the school and the place of religious services.
  3. The part or kitchen of the household food processor must meet the cleanliness condition. Food was processed here. When the kitchen was dirty, then the food that was cooked was also dirty and this was dangerous for the health of the member of the occupants’ family of this house.
  4. The condition for the four healthy houses was the existence of the clean TOILET.


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