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The Master Oil List – Ambergris Anointing

Ambergris: Use this oil with any other successful oil for added effect or simply as a perfume.

Mix this with orris oil and add it to bath water to attract members of the opposite sex to you.

American Voodoo: Add it to any charms etc. for extra power. In rituals it is used to anoint all the materials used.

Amon: When seeking inspiration to create or infuse a new beginning, anoint yourself or a personal candle and call on this ancient Egyptian deity for the help you need to encourage new beginnings.

ancient wisdom: Use it as an aid to call the spirits or spirit guides. Anoint a white candle and let it burn overnight. (See also Proverbs; chapter 8, verse 11)

A new life: For new beginnings, those divorced or separated, anoint a golden candle for excitement and well-being in your life. This can also be used in your bath water to the same extremes.

Angel: Use this when calling on the angels as an oil offering on a plate. Similarly, anoint a pink candle to invoke angelic help or to attract friends. To bring peace to the home, use a white candle. This oil can be added to rituals related to love and friendship, or along with any other such sage oil.

Angel’s Delight: Not the popular cream desert, but an oil of thanks and offering, used to gain the help of the spirits by anointing a blue candle and burning it, or alternatively leaving it in an offering plate to thank the spirits and letting them drink deeply of the aroma.

Angel of Paradise: Used by pregnant mothers to ensure a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy. Place a few drops in bath water once a week during pregnancy.

Angelica: Used to contact angels or ask them for help or support, love or strength, or use with the appropriate angel oil, either anoint yourself or a candle of the corresponding color.

Angel: Use on yourself or others when anger is brewing, the quick fix is ​​to rub behind the ears and on the forehead and repeat psalm 36, or rub the forehead and back, then take a bath, anoint a white figure candle and recite psalm 23.

Anhk: See spiritual oil.

Animal: Similar to tiger oil, to bring out the animal in the timid and timid. Use in bath water or as a perfume.

animals: This has nothing to do with the previous entry, since this oil deals with communication with animals, mundane or spiritual. Anoint yourself to attract and communicate with normal animals, or anoint a blue candle while attempting any contact with totems/animal spirits, etc.

Aniseed/Aniseed: A popular oil used by voodoos and clairvoyants to increase eyesight when doing clairvoyance and divination. Use in bath water or anoint white candles. In its pure form to anoint and clean crystals and crystal balls, tarot cards/boxes. Professionals can even use it to spray their facilities with it. It can also be used to add additional power to spells or rituals that require or ask for luck.

In short, a very versatile oil.

Unction: A general anointing oil used to dress all types of equipment and candles for whatever use you may have in mind.


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