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Those Tasty Trouts

California has some wonderful places with many streams flowing through the mountains that are regularly stocked with fish. Trout prefer cold, clean water with a high oxygen content. They are commonly found in mountain streams and in unpolluted rivers. Although you can find german brown here in southern california, i admit i haven’t seen the cutthroat trout in our neck of the woods. Rainbow trout They are the main warehouse in California. California golden trout It is a native fish that lives in high mountain lakes and streams.

Trout have two dorsal fins, a straight tail, and a body spotted with scales. Its color varies depending on the environment: river trout they are brighter colored than those that live in a lake. brown troutfor example, they show variation in markings and undertone.

Trout are very agile fish, capable of swimming at speeds of 6 to 12 mph, and are the fastest swimmers among freshwater fish. Trout are most active when the water temperature is between 41 and 50 degrees. If the temperature rises above this level, the trout become inactive. I remember once seeing a medium-sized fish go by so fast that I was surprised at its speed in all that space.

Trout prefer to live alone and defend the territory. They feed on quiet minnows, insects, and larvae. I have also seen them devour smaller or less agile trout. Small insects that fly near the surface of the water are also frequently eaten. When trout eat insects in this way, they are said to be “on the rise” and if you look closely you can see them doing this in the river.

The spawning season is in early winter. At this time, the trout seek out cooler stretches of water with higher oxygen content. Each female sets off to lay her eggs, followed by several males; makes sense. Egg laying takes place at night and the eggs are not all laid in one batch; instead, they are placed in small numbers in different places. It’s amazing that a trout weighing just over 2 lbs. she can lay 2,000 eggs this way and then the males come and fertilize them.

The incubation period is quite long and depends on the water temperature, taking several months in cold water temperatures. The fry are 1/2 to 1 inch long when hatched. Small trout feed on plankton and grow at a very slow rate of about 1/2 inch per month. In mountain lakes, some specimens can live up to 5 years, eventually reaching a length of 3 feet and a weight of 33 pounds.

Fish farms breed rainbow trout due to their rapid growth. They reach a weight of 1 1/2 lbs. at two years of age and are then fit for sale. One of the best places I have visited is the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery. I also heard about a fish farm in Russia, but I’ve never been.

In swift currents, trout take refuge in deep pools behind rocks. They have to move quickly to catch the food that is speeding by. Our son is a great fly fisherman, he uses the roll cast to prevent the fly from getting entangled in the vegetation. He used powerful baits, sometimes used salmon roe and just shot from the slow moving side of the river bank. I have always loved fishing, whether fresh or in the sea.

Please note that some places are catch and release and of course having a fishing license is essential. Overall catching your limit and being outdoors I would say trout fishing is a wonderful way to spend the day. With the right cane and spinning wheel, you’re all set.

I know you’re wondering if I bait my own hook, touch the fish, clean it myself, cook it, and eat it too. The answer is yes.” Trout are bony but they sure are tasty. More importantly, I think they put up quite a fight when caught with a hook and line. I’d love to hear your fish story, especially about the fish! That escaped!


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